Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • for the last of 10 pages I am on 1.5.4 , and I am enjoying my Kemper full speed , again .

    Thanks to CK for his explanation , I respect that .
    Will Chen is right .

    CK is NOT in obligation to do that (1.6.0)

    KPA is already ultimate Guitar toy on the market in the beginning of 21st Century , and reason I start to play guitar again .

    There no coincidence between KPA and Tesla Phenomenon .

    Who knows who is Tesla, he will know that Science and "Magic" are not separated .

    I believe 100% in CK Science , but I believe in that 1.5.4 Magic comming out from my Kemper as well .
    There is no Magic in 1.6.0 , period .

    So, I kindly suggest to all the guys hearing difference in 1.6.0 .(Axe like sound is the best description ) to stick to 1.5.4 (KPA like sound is the best description ) and enjoy !

    We are not the same, this is the only issue in this discussion, and let it be like that and respect each other as well.

    So , lets give some time to CK, he will sort it out , soon after NAMM .

    There will be guys asking to try KPA with 1.5.4 , and compare it to 1.6.0 right in the Kemper boot .

    Lets see what that outcome might looks like exactly on the spot .

    Good Luck to Kemper team in America !

    warning for Europeans :

    there is still at least 75% Americans who think Alkaida and long time dead before that Osama Bin Laden organized and executed 9/11  8o

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited 4 times, last by Rescator (January 18, 2013 at 6:25 PM).

  • I finally decided to do a system reset on my unit to discard any possible issue related to my settings that could be causing the differences I was hearing and that I was able to find with Ozone as well. After that I have performed a few more tests. Here the results:

    This one shows a comparisons of 2 reampings done in 1.5.4 using the same rig.
    [Blocked Image:]

    This one shows a comparisons of 2 reampings done with 1.5.4 vs 1.6.0 using the same rig.
    [Blocked Image:]

    I used the same rig that I used in previous test but as you can see the results after my system reset are different than the ones I provided previously. The EQ matches now.

    Now, even after I did the system reset and having checked that the EQs match, I have to be honest and in the spirit of full disclosure and even at the risk of being burned I will say two things:

    1. When I play I still notice that something is different but I have no clue how to measure or demonstrate that. So I guess this is a dead end for me.

    2. I also hear differences when I switch on and off the latency switch in FW 1.6.0.

    I guess this is the kind of thing like comparing Jazz III picks red vs black. I swear that to me they sound and feel different but most people say they don't. ?(

  • I also hear differences when I switch on and off the latency switch in FW 1.6.0.

    I got the same impressions.
    The larger latency setting (activated) seams to sound better - unlike with other gear like soundcards ...

    maybe we are all nuts :rolleyes:

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  • I got the same impressions.
    The larger latency setting (activated) seams to sound better - unlike with other gear like soundcards ...

    maybe we are all nuts

    Bad taste joking mode off.

    I have to try that. Is latency through spdif different than through the front input and can be that the reason we cannot hear any differences reamping through spdif?

  • I guess this is the kind of thing like comparing Jazz III picks red vs black. I swear that to me they sound and feel different but most people say they don't.?

    I know this, my CD player needs a special puck to work - there are different types of these pucks available - I bought two - and was able to hear a difference.

    My wife said I AM NUTS - then we made a blind test - she played the beginning of the same song 20 times - I was able to tell here 19 time the right puck - since then did I use this one.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

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  • I struggled to hear a difference with the latency switch turned on or off in 1.6—using humbucker and single, clean to high gain, and I cannot perceive any difference whether through studio monitors or headphones... and I've got my bat ears on today. 8)

    Edited once, last by miles (January 18, 2013 at 7:26 PM).

  • OK guys, here is something really weird I´ve just found, but maybe is the begining of a posible explanation.......

    I´ve downgraded (again) to 1.5.4, and the sound was great again.Big difference, easy to feel with a Strat playing Everlong ( I like that song for the mix of open D and chords in higher frets) and in Marshall Golub profile.Nothing to see with the lack of felling in 1.6.

    Well, upgraded (again!) to 1.6 to check the latency stuff and, before I touched nothing....the GOOD SOUND WAS BACK AGAIN!!!!

    Tested with 3 well known profiles, and nothing was different to my old loved Kemper feeling.I repeat, I DIDN´T TOUCH ANYTHING.

    Well, I began to think that I was really going nuts...maybe I was "getting used" to the 1.6 I downgraded (AGAIN!!!!) to 1.5.4 to check if I feel a sound improvement....and I didn´t...sounded just like 1.6 the last time upgraded (but not like the 1.6 when I upgraded for the first 2 times).

    And thats not all....the weird thing comes now:

    I upgraded to 1.6 to left the Kemper with that firmware (finally sounding GOOD!!!!)...and the sterile bad sound was back again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That´s weird, I know, but it´s what has happened , believe me.I think there´s something when you upgrade, some parameter, or whatever that changes eventually...and some times does not....

    I downgraded to 1.5.4, and good sound/feeling was back, upgraded to 1.6 and this time it sounded good,just as 1.5.4.

    So I turned of the Kemper and will not make more experiments, I´m afraid to go back to the "wrong sounding" 1.6

    I´m not joking, everybody with 1.6 try to downgrade/upgrade again a couple of times and check if your sound/feeling comes back in 1.6.

    I really think there´s something that sometimes changes and sometimes not when upgrading to 1.6, if that parameter (or whatever it could be) changes, you feel the soound/tone/feel difference, but if you upgraded and that "unknow hing" doesn´t change....voila! 1.6 with the old good sound.

    This could be a hint of what is happening and why some guys har differences and some not...maybe is the Kemper model version, or something that happens while upgrading in an aleatory way....

    By now I´m not gonna touch the Kemper...seems that 1.6 sounds ight now, I would like you guys to check what I´m saying, you have nothing to loose.

    And I reapeat, teh spound difference was not subtle, was BIG, maybe because I play thru poweramp and 4x12 and using the main outputs with no cabinet....and maybe you guys thru SPDIF doesn´t feel so much diference, but I did.

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • Seems to be a whole lot of feeling going on for sure.

  • Did I system reset - and now it seams to sound better.

    Strange when I go to Output page 5/5 and turn the 'Aux In Volume' some times from 0 to 10 - the sound get bad again and the overall volume output of the KPA is very low - only a full reboot brings me back.

    There are surely some bugs in the box.

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  • Did I system reset - and now it seams to sound better.

    Strange when I go to Output page 5/5 and turn the 'Aux In Volume' some times from 0 to 10 - the sound get bad again and the overall volume output of the KPA is very low - only a full reboot brings me back.

    There are surely some bugs in the box.

    Adding what Armin says to my experience....seems like upgrading to 1.6 sometimes changes something else than the firmware!

    That could be the explanation to so much controversy....

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.