Proper Four Cable Method (4CM) Amp Head+KPA Live Setup

  • I don't own a KPA yet and wondering if anyone can answer this for me. I haven't been able to find the exact answer.

    Besides using it as a studio/practice amp, for live performances I want to also use the KPA as an effects unit in addition to my source for rhythm tones while using my real SLO-100 amp head for leads and the main power amp. I know I could play a SLO-100 KPA profile into the SLO-100 power amp, but why would anyone want to do this? I love the tone but for me the SLO-100s feel and response is one of the best things about it.

    Ideally, using the future integrated foot controller, I would be able to quickly and seamlessly switch between the Amp Head preamp and the KPA profiles and/or KPA front-end effects (wah, single repeat delay, etc.) and/or KPA back-end effects (chorus, reverb, delay, etc.).

    So is the following signal chain possible/correct?

    Guitar -> KPA (Front Input) -> KPA (Direct Output / Send) -> Amp Head (Front Input) -> Amp Head (+4db Effects Send) -> KPA (Return Input) -> KPA (Monitor Output) -> Amp Head (Effects Return) / KPA (Master Output) -> Optional PA Source

    Hoping I can easily integrate this into my main, for all time, #1 rig. :thumbup: Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

    PRS: DGT
    Soldano: SLO-100
    Mesa: Black/Gold 3/4-Back 1x12 Mesa "Black Shadow" Celestion C90 Cabinets
    TC Electronic: Nova System

    Edited 12 times, last by Mr_You (December 24, 2012 at 7:06 AM).