• Hahaha nice one Chris! I still don't believe this guy owns a unit :)

    If so, post something on the non-public forum (just to satisfy my curiosity).

    where do i find that
    you'll have to spoon feed me ( i dont like reading manuals remember!)

  • You know what.. Navigation is only a bitch if WE (ALL) play with our Kempers like toys (as I do often) going through all the amps... Fun actually

    I say we are pretty lucky we don't have to plug another amp into the wall, change chords, etc etc each time we want to hear another amazing tube amp.

    Choose the few you like or want to record with and chill out... it's not a toy, far from it.. bloody hell, we have 100's of tube amps at our finger tips and some people have the nerve to complain... go and buy a little pod if thats what you want.they are not that bad...

    Come on... this is about playing and recording guitars... if you had the best real tube amp in the world, it would be easy to plug it in and change the volume, bass , mids, treble etc etc... but you still need a lot more money, . go and buy 5 nice tube amps and then check your bank account.. :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • The only thing that can bring "light in the dark room" is an official statement from the kemper guys.
    So please CK give us information to provide this never ending discussions. :?: :?:

    Btw. I love my little Wonder-Box. :thumbup: :thumbup:

    KPA-Rackversion with Line6 Powercab 112
    :thumbup: :love: :thumbup:

  • where do i find that
    you'll have to spoon feed me ( i dont like reading manuals remember!)

    It's nothing to do with the manual. The forum has public and private areas. You can only post in the private areas if you're registered as a Kemper owner ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • OP, are you Cliff?

    now that's funny. it seems cliff can be/is a bit of an a-hole (or chucklehead aye tony :), but just because i criticize this product you seem to take personal offence? the OP was for the company. however i do own a kemper (black) it is VERY good, i love it, best purchase i made in a long time. craps on my line 6 pro xt, and i signed up for fractal's waiting list, almost bought, but the raving didn't match what i thought to be sterile and similar amp tones. the effects are spectacular, way better then kempers, however kempers are still VERY good.
    however its making me want to buy more real tube amps, ac15 and deluxe reverb, it still cant match the real deal live.

    forget favourites, (i found that just after i posted (RTFM yes yes i am lazy) i went to edit post but you guys replied literally within 5 mins, my bad
    abcd is what i do for music to categorise a list(great songs) b list (good) c (one day listen too or friends fav's (or g/f's favs lol) and d list (crap) (which should probably be deleted!) im a hoarder!
    the important point is that the product should be finished and all initial promises should be fulfilled 12 months in.
    apparently this product will never be finished and kemper keeps on updating product? bug fixes are not updates, they should have been (mostly) sorted before release.... improvements to and fine tuning firmware, great.
    if a small company brings out a product and needs to sell semi finished goods to generate cash to finish the product, thats fine and a risk we take that they dont go bankrupt before its finished, but kemper brought out virus? or something, keyboards i think, unimportant :) made a bit of cash, however, regardless, any company's product should be finished and customers respected by finishing the product or going bankrupt. its the decent thing to do.

    Edited once, last by adam4900 (December 11, 2012 at 2:05 PM).

  • hmmm went to do a private post jel but when i signed up i either didnt own the kemper or was too lazy to enter serial no. cant remember, and i cant find where i'm supposed to add it

    Yawn - I just stopped following this thread.


    And recommend others to do the same.

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • To some degree, I agree with the OP. New features/improvements? Take as long as necessary to complete. However, planned features which a product designer feels were important enough to have dedicated controls on the front panel should really have been complete and shipped with the initial firmware. Now, I've only had the product for a couple months now so not much in the way of complaints from me. Until recently new features had been delivered fairly regularly, faster than any other company with the exception of Fractal (ironically whose most recent additions have been similar to some of the Kemper features).

  • Well I don't.

    Please, CK, do keep going the R&D!

    If anybody wants a boring but failsafe product, get yourself a pod and stop trolling around here.


    Damn ... I forgot to unsubscribe this thread... :(

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • Big joke! Too lazy to read the manual, too lazy to search the serial number, too lazy to find all featuers, but asking for new features.... that when introduced might get overseen (too lazy to read the release notes). You must be joking, right?

  • To be honest, my experience with the POD HD500 release was not unlike the Kemper. New features were released every few months including some stuff which was planned for in the engineering stage but didn't make it to the firmware until about a year after release. I would think that anybody who gigs any piece of gear would want a failsafe product, and of course every multi-fx unit on the market has a larger effects complement than the Kemper, which in some folks minds would make it boring by comparison...however, its sounds phenomenal and has the most intuitive physical UI I've had to date. Looking forward to future development, but would really, really like to see at a bare minimum the perform mode by year's end.

  • how about we do something productive and have a vote. who wants what. what are the most important issues
    no 1 (for me) finish all features that were promised on day 1
    no 2 nothing. great product.