Bluetooth communications

  • I belive a bluetooth radio would be a nice add-on for a future revision of the hardware. It would enable short-range wireless communications with lots of mobile computers, tablets and smartphones for controls, backups, exchange of rigs and other data etc. With a A2DP receiver it could also be used to receive music from a mobile device for practise using a headset. If implemented the BT radio should have a physical on/off switch on the back of the unit for securirty (avoid unauthorised access) and to eliminate potential interference.

    Edited once, last by phel (December 9, 2012 at 11:23 AM).

  • I don't think that there is a BT chip in the kemper, so this request would be very hard to fulfill.

    The request was for a future hardware revision. I.e. the next unit (rack-version, whatever), not the next firmware. With the current unit the only option would be to use a USB/BT dongle, but I'm not too keen on little loose pieces like that on a mobile unit like the KPA.

    Edited once, last by phel (December 6, 2012 at 9:45 AM).

  • yes, how about the footcontroller then being wireless too. That would be cool.

    More batteries, not good. I'd prefer to operate the unit on stage without BT enabled for security. A unit with BT should have a switch on the back to turn the BT-radio off completely if necessary.

  • .... You know how hard we try to avoid Radio interference from mucking around with our precious signal chains? I even went all WIRED from the guitar to my effects/amps to alleviate this. I would definitely not be happy with a source of radio interference right inside my KPA :).

    Love Bluetooth for all non-signal-quality-critical stuff though - especially the convenience.