Rigs lost while playing (only with midi pedalboard plugged in)

  • Dear hansjakobson,

    yes, there is an issue. It happens when you load a rig via MIDI outside of the selected view e. g. Favourites or My Rigs, when you then STORE/REPLACE, the wrong rig might get overwritten. We will fix this in one of our next firmware releases. In the meantime while you are on stage, select view 'All Rigs' and there are no issues.

    Burkhard Dinnies

  • Sorry, I forgot to update the thread.

    Burkhard wrote this:

    "I'm wondering, if you perhaps have a memory problem. You could do
    the following: First perform a backup and check on a PC, that the size
    of the backup archive is reasonable and that each of the rigs included
    has 4kb. Then start maintenance mode by pushing and holding softbutton 1
    above the display, while you switch the unit on into Tuner Mode. Select
    Maintenance, Memory, Flash Init, press Ok and exit. Start the
    Profiler like normal and restore your backup."

    I followed the instructions, and I haven't had any problems since. I didn't assign one rig to two buttons this time though, maybe that was the problem.