Just a question on profiling at home

  • 4 weeks with a Kemper and is was about time to do the first profile. Since I don't have a studio I got just my home office for profiling. It is a 100 year old house with 4 families.
    I've tried to do a clean profile with a 100W tube amp on a 4x12cab. The volume of KPA and the to be profiled amp was moderate (somewhat bearable to not disturb the neighbors) before I started profiling. Well, the KPA "alien noises" went really loud and I had to exit the profiling. It was 8:30pm and yes I'm a sissy when it comes to keep the peace in house. :whistling: I lowered the volume level then and started again. This time it was not loud enough which made the KPA threw me an error.
    I was under the impression this profiling (at least clean) can be done in a normal environment. Of course, for getting somewhat close to the tube saturation of a HIWATT DR103 it makes sense to leave vulnerable houses. 8o
    I've tried to search for a thread on this topic but no luck. Beginners operating error? Should I go to the band room even for clean settings and krank it up? Any advise?

    edit: tried to fix my bad writing...

  • I had a clean rig with no SFX whatsoever selected.
    The volume on the amp and the Kemper did match (as advised in the manual)
    Maybe I'm not fully educated to operate this alien ware. I had a hard time to get the profiling working. Flipping the chicken head first time did not do it. I had to restart and go back and forward with the knob several times.
    So, I can control the volume of the mic intake (is that the return level)?

  • Quite strange you had this issues with the chicken knob.
    By the way, yes: you can set an higher return level. Maybe in this way you can lower the volume on the amp and get an acceptable volume.
    If you are still havin issues with that you can try by placing a preamp or a mixer between the microphone and the KPA return. Lower the amp volume and set an higher gain on the mic preamp/mixer.

  • Profiling is loud and 100W on a 4x12 ain't gonna help. At best shoot a DI profile with a load box and add an existing cab, on Clean sounds it doesn't impact the tone that much.

    Edit: or wait for the neighbours to be out.....It just takes 30 sec ;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Edit: or wait for the neighbours to be out.....It just takes 30 sec ;)

    For sure the best thing to do is having a band room with the volume up to 11 :)

    Very practical solution guys, with the HIWATT kranked to 11 I'll drive the neighbors out of the house! They won't be able to even call the police - MUAHAHAHA.

    Now back to the topic, I will lug the 4x12 and the Hiwatt to the band room again and do some gooood profiling with appropriate volume level. Once I know how to do this, things will get easier, hopefully.
    BTW, I own an attenuator with a direct out. Can I connect that DO with the mike input and just profile the amp?

    Jimmyno and guitarnet70, thanx for your support!


  • BTW, I own an attenuator with a direct out. Can I connect that DO with the mike input and just profile the amp?

    That's how (more or less) i profiled my engl screamer.
    I had a behringer DI and a ton of pillows in front and behind the cabinet. What you get is a DI profile, then you have just to add a cabinet.

    By the way i still think that a full profiling works better.

  • okstrat, that might be a good idea, but this beast is loud, really loud. I would need to decouple it from the floor and so on. The day after I showed up with the Hiwatt in the bandroom, all my guys got themselves earplugs... 8o
    The Hiwatt sound seams to reveal its beauty when the tubes come close to saturation, which in return is an oxymoron with a Hiwatt I believe :D
    As one of my friend put it: what you believe to be a slight crunch sound is the sputtering* blood coming out your ears...

    *had to look it up. Learned new word! :D

  • Use a hotplate or other attenuator. Or take your kemper and the hiwatt to band practice ;) I have a 180watt Mesa Boogie Coliseum that is the loudest guitar amp I've owned, fortunately the boogie tone isn't based on any power tube breakup, it's all in the preamp ;)

    okstrat, that might be a good idea, but this beast is loud, really loud. I would need to decouple it from the floor and so on. The day after I showed up with the Hiwatt in the bandroom, all my guys got themselves earplugs... 8o
    The Hiwatt sound seams to reveal its beauty when the tubes come close to saturation, which in return is an oxymoron with a Hiwatt I believe :D
    As one of my friend put it: what you believe to be a slight crunch sound is the sputtering* blood coming out your ears...

    *had to look it up. Learned new word! :D