And here he comes again....

  • One last thought for now...

    I posted a 'stay classy, Cliff Chase' pic and got in trouble because it was flame bait. Ok. Now, suppose I post same thing here, but with CK instead of Cliff's name on it.

    Not a big deal, because we know CK is a good guy and never badmouths his competitors. It might actually make him laugh. The only reason the 'stay classy' would anger Cliff or one of his Minions is because it's pointing out his bad behavior.

  • One last thought for now...

    I posted a 'stay classy, Cliff Chase' pic and got in trouble because it was flame bait. Ok. Now, suppose I post same thing here, but with CK instead of Cliff's name on it.

    Not a big deal, because we know CK is a good guy and never badmouths his competitors. It might actually make him laugh. The only reason the 'stay classy' would anger Cliff or one of his Minions is because it's pointing out his bad behavior.

    LOL. Probably their issue with your picture is not the picture itself but your intentions with it.

  • You're absolutely right, it just gets grating after awhile. I don't know if you paid much attention to this, but I've owned a Kemper since February (a lot of guys here earlier than that) and it just gets annoying watching the owner/CEO of a company go after another product with such vitriol and not getting called on it for a LONG time. Before the Kemper came out, he went on about how it was an inferior way to get tones, then he added a feature to his product so it could compete, then the aliasing thing started, then he went on about how his kemper only came on every tenth time he tried to fire it up, etc.

    Reminds me of what my sister would do in the car on a long trip - pester the crap out of you over and over again, I'd ignore her then finally have enough about the 50th time she poked me and yell or hit her back. The all hell would break loose.

    Sad thing is, the Axe II is not a bad piece of gear. It's not like Cliff is selling shit, it's a good product. It's too bad his ego won't allow him to stay off the message boards or if he wants to have a presence online, have someone with better PR skills handle his communications.

    I've read it all and I don't care. When I turn the unit on and play a few chords, I have all the proof I need that the Kemper can deliver some great tones. Cliff can yell til he's blue in the face, it won't change someone's first hand experience on a unit. Given that the Kemper has opted for wide distribution rather than direct order only, most folks interested in the Kemper will be able to try one out fairly easily and decide for themselves if its a stud or a dud...

  • Lol. Replacing a picture disrespectful for somebody with something disrespectful for everybody else does not make it better. :D

    due to your saddened post, I thought maybe you were Cliff's brother or cousin so I replaced the disrespectful pict with one of me (cowboy hat) and my weekend warrior crew instead

  • How droll.
    Guitarist used to think that tube amps are the best out there.
    When people told them "hey man, a transistor amp uses less energy", they answered "no way, i just care about sound".
    But "hey man, aren't you tired of carrying heavy amps?" and a guitarman answered "NO!".
    But"This transistor stuff is absolutely superior to your tube amp, you see in the graphics that it doesn't change your original sound, see how linear the signal is!!!", and one again the answer was "I don't give a shit".

    Nowadays theres a (rising) part of the guitarworld which is interested in tech specs and not in playing that damn guitar.
    In Italy we call that kind of speechs "talking about Angels' sex(*)", which means speaking for hours and days about anything which is no way relevant.
    I respect Scott Peterson since I was a member of the FAS forum, but I wonder why he just doesn't try a damned KPA.
    Less talking, more playing: does the KPA alias ATM? Yes. Does it sound unbelievable? Absolutely YES.
    Do you care about DSP horsepower if you pay the KPA a price which is 60% of a horsepower-monster-that-doesn't-sound-as-good-as-the-kpa? WTF: NO!
    C'mon it's not that hard to comprehend.

    (*) for catholics Angels DON'T have sex.

  • Unbelievable.

    Same thing happens every single time on TGP.

    Scott throws punches, belittles other TGP members, claims his 100% innocence, protects and defends Cliff at all costs, members punch back, miraculously a moderator appears to protect Scott, everyone gets infraction points, Scott and Cliff walk away free, everyone else is blamed for messing up the thread...thread CLOSED.


  • Same thing happens every single time on TGP.

    [Blocked Image:]


    I like TGP, I just stop watching the digital gear forum. It's ridiculous there, you can't say a SINGLE word about the Axe. I remeber when I got one of the first KPA pioneer units (that I BOUGHT used from a friend) and posted clips saying that it sounds better then the Axe... how dare I :) I got accused that I'm payed by Kemper and have an agenda etc. I just thought: dafuq?

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • What is also interesting for me is that there is basically no Kemper threads on the Fractal forum. I guess if somebody pops one up, it gets removed quite fast. :) They simply can't cope with competition.

    To be fair.
    There are many Kemper threads on TGP, and none of them have ever been removed.

    99.9% of the members at TGP can cope with the competition and partake in a civil discussion about the Pod HD, 11R, Axe-FX, other modellers and the Kemper.

    The problem over the last 6 years at TGP is the .1% of the members that can't accept the "competition".

  • Just been reading though all whats happening.. hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it looks so oblivious to me that Cliff and Scott are deeply in love with each other :D

    could be some sort of endorsement in question or whatever, in order to "subtly" set the forums public focus towards the specific company. Quite entertaining how thats working out though.