Help Debugging Fading Monitor Output

  • Trying to debug an issue. Not implying there is something wrong with the Kemper yet. Just asking for debugging help.

    I have a 1/4" TS cable plugged from my Kemper Monitor Out to my QSC K10 input. I think that's the right cable, but the output does not have a label of TRS vs TS on it so who knows. Manually says "TRS unbalanced" which I've not heard of.

    The last couple of practices, about 45-60mins into the practice, I've had crackling and fading output on the Monitor output. It actually sounds like a fading tube going bad or something or like I'm clipping the shit out of the K10 - which I'm not because the volume is really low and drops. Does Kemper actually profile a breaking tube amp? :)

    Initially I suspected my cable. Practice ended and went about my way.

    Last practice, same thing happened about an hour into it. This time, I played my keyboard through the other K10 channel - sounded perfect. That took the issue down to the Kemper, the cable, the input on the K10. The K10's speaker was fine.

    I swapped cables and the output was still low. Weird. Takes it down to Kemper and K10.

    Then I maxed out the Master Output knob on the front of the Kemper taking it from 8.5 to 10.0. BAM! The sound came back to normal.

    Freaks me out that I could fix the problem by tweaking a knob on the Kemper. Fixing it like that rules out a cable problem doesn't it?

    Anyone else had any Monitor Output fading issues or crackles?

  • Good idea. It's possible I had the gtr volume way down.

    The noise gate, on front panel, is global right - not per patch. I don't have any of the other gates in the signal chain.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Turn the noise gate to 0 and use the 2:1 in the stomp section, way better. BTW the NG on the front panel is not global, but saved with the Rig

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Okay. Happened again at practice last night on a more frequent basis so I could debug more.

    I now strongly suspect something with my QSC K10 speaker. I think the 1/4" jacks may have something weird going on in both inputs.

    At first I was getting fading output on both Inputs A and B with 1/4" jacks. Got pissed off and kicked my K10 in frustration - and BAM the sound came back. So all eyes on the K10 now.

    I did swap a 1/4" TS cable from the Monitor Out and used a XLR cable from the Main Output Left to get a more secure connection. I don't believe I experienced any fading out after doing that.

    Gig Saturday night, so I hope the XLR method solves my issue. But wanted to write back that I think it's my monitor, but I'll continue to keep an eye on it.

    I'm almost wondering if with the colder weather the actual plastic jacks on the QSC are contracting and getting less physical contact on the 1/4" inputs. Just an wild hunch.