Clipping sound on most presets

  • Just got a kemper amp, it does sound great, but I've noticed most rigs seem to have a quite noticeable amount of a sort of clicky noise when I play, after a bit of fiddling I've found that it seems to happen when the pick attack control is anywhere other than zero, will try to post some clips later. Is this unusual? Is it possible that I would have got a bad unit?

    I was having a similar problem with a kind of clipping noise and other artefacts. My guitar also seems to be noisier as well. I followed the factory reset as per the un official kemper manual you will find elsewhere on the forum.
    I did a backup then a full reset and this has cured it.may be worth a try. :D

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't

  • I'm experiencing the same problem...yes, I definitively can hear that
    "fizz", it's like a background blanket of hiss behind the notes. I'm a
    KPA user just from one week and this drives me crazy, I was thinking my
    unit was defective.
    Here's my sample of this:
    (this is the Morgan Dual40 Clean profile from Andy of TheAmpFactory, fx all bypassed, Telecaster directly in the KPA, KPA XLR outs in my RME Babyface).
    Is this only a fault of the "pick" parameter? Now I'm at work and I can't see if "pick" is set high on this profile. It happens only on certain profiles by the way.
    Please someone help...

  • Hi,

    I'm having the same issue which can be heard in CallHope's samples. Pick parameter definitely causes the distorted artifacts. To get things even worse: maximize pick parameter, crank up treble and presence.

    But -- I noticed that this is much harder to get audible with factory rigs. Some rigs I downloaded from rig exchange give these artifacts quite easily, even on pick at 0. Just use presence etc..

    I would appreciate if somebody could confirm if this is a known issue and reproducible widely on other units as well. Thanks in advance!

  • I re-produced the artifacts with a factory rig, recorded samples and sent those to support. Respond was that it's reproducible and developers will be informed (15th of April). No idea that how high priority the issue has..