Need suggestions/help for managing volume on stage

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    ☑️ Profiler Stage

    Hi everyone!

    I apologize in advance if this has been answered before, as I'm not sure how to properly file my question and search based on that.

    I play with a group every so often and I'm wondering, what is the best way to ensure I am able to hear myself consistently. I don't normally bring a monitor to our rehearsals, and would prefer not to (but let me know if that's the answer), and I get tired of the whole volume creep/game that often plagues jams or rehearsals. Often, a mix will be set so each instrument in the band is audible, but then volume creep starts and it all goes to hell.

    What is the best way of handling some of these scenarios:

    • Overall Volume
    • Volume while playing lead
      • I don't have a profile set, or a morph option with a volume boost of some sort. If this is an option, what would be the best way of handling that volume boost?
      • I do have a "lead" profile, but it's not necessarily one with a higher volume


    P.S. I would prefer to hear the whole band, since it's crucial to hear the rhythm player as I improv so I can make adjustments, but it's very frustrating to not hear the nuances of one's playing throughout a song.