Can a Direct Profile be captured "Out of Phase"?

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    I'm trying to capture a direct profile of my friends Matchless HC85. I'm using the same set up I used to capture my Bloomfield Drive yesterday (literally the rig hasn't moved) and yet I'm getting a very strange almost phased kind of sound out of the profile. The Bloomfield worked perfectly. I'm just wondering if there is something I might be missing that would cause this...

    The signal chain is: Profiler -> Lo Input on HC85 -> Mesa Cab Clone IR+ (coming out of the dry output) -> Kemper Return.


  • Out of phase only matters in relation to something else, like if you mic’ed up a cabinet with two mics, they could be out of phase with one another. So if you are using two IRs in the Cab Clone, they could potentially be out of phase with each other, but if they sound good with one amp, they should sound good with others (though you may prefer different IRs for every amp).

    Maybe try refining the profile and if that doesn’t work, try using a different IR in the Cab Clone. Then, if you still don’t like the results, try capturing without the Cab Clone and add your IR in the Kemper.

  • Thanks! To be clear, no IR's were used in the cab clone this time - the CC has a "dry out" which is what I used. Same as aI did with the Bloomfield.
    I did refine the profile quite a bit but perhaps I simply need to do more. I've made quite a lot of profiles in the past and never had this particular issue with any of them. Anyhow, I'm going to give it another go or two today and see where I get.

    To add clarity, I think "comb filtering" is probably a better description than "out of phase". The sound is similar to times when I've tried to mic a cabinet in too small a space...

  • The only time I have had a profile sound way off, was if I did something different during the refine. You need to refine exactly how it did the profile. Cant change any settings, etc.

    I have profiled VSTs. That means there is a LOT of latency between the Kemper test signals and the audio cards outputs. And I still had decent results.

    But change the volume or some other setting during the refine and you will get all sorts of weird sounds. That sound nothing like an amplifier.

    Your best bet would be NO REFINE to see if you at least get a normal sounding profile from there.