Player and powered Kabinet. Volume?

  • Bummer...

    I use my un powered Kab live as backline as well. Kinda surprised the powered Kab isn't doing it for you.

    Good to hear. Thanks for the reply.

    Yeah, my unpowered Kab with external amp is plenty loud enough.

    But not the powered Kab. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's my setup. Maybe we play too loud. Maybe my Kabinet is faulty. I'm over messing around with it at this stage and just want to get on with playing gigs and not worrying. Uaed the unpowered Kab and external amp last weekend and it was glorious.


  • Good to hear. Thanks for the reply.

    Yeah, my unpowered Kab with external amp is plenty loud enough.

    But not the powered Kab. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's my setup. Maybe we play too loud. Maybe my Kabinet is faulty. I'm over messing around with it at this stage and just want to get on with playing gigs and not worrying. Uaed the unpowered Kab and external amp last weekend and it was glorious.


    I have 2 Kabs and 2 amps.

    One amp is the SD700, and it usually goes to practice and gigs.

    The other amp is a Ritter Camplifier 290. It usually stays home, but last gig I took it because I could plug the Kemper into FOH and all I needed was backline support.

    The Camplifier is stereo 90w, or mono 180w, and I do not find it to be enough for full band backline only.