Backing up Performances Question!

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    Hello everyone,

    I've been asked if I could lend my Kemper out for a performance. In the event that they would need to put their own Profiles/Performances on my Kemper, can I back mine up by putting them into the "Local Library" on Rig Manager?

    I see a "Local Library" under "All Performances." If I drag MY performances from the "MyProfiler" tab to the "Local Library" one. Does that save them on my computer? Does that save all my performance settings/pedals etc?

    Thank you in advance!

    Edit- is there a better option to backup my stuff?

    Edit #2- I also went on Rig Manager and selected all my rigs/performances/presets from the Profiler, and did "export rig" option.

    Edited once, last by JesseLuciani (June 19, 2024 at 6:50 AM).

  • Why don´t you add a folder named e.g. Backup in the Local Library folder to save your Rigs?

    There´s also a All Performances folder, where you can save your performances with its settings and pedals.

    A better way to save your Kemper content, is to use an usb stick, hit the "USB stick" softbutton on your Kemper, then Backup/restore, then Backup.

    All your rigs and performances will be saved on that stick.

    When you get your Kemper back, same procedure, but restore in the last step...