Everywhere You Want to Go

  • When I created this bass riff I did not expect it to come out Jazzy, so I just went with it. I kind of did the guitars ass backwards; Charvel SD Distortion is the clean rhythm and the G&L Tele is the clean lead. I think it's my first time playing cleanish lead part (not that easy).

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Well done Larry, strings are a very nice addition , great middle break and crunch lead . The drums are a little bit late vs you playing , have you tried pushing them a few ms before the gits ?

  • Well done Larry, strings are a very nice addition , great middle break and crunch lead . The drums are a little bit late vs you playing , have you tried pushing them a few ms before the gits ?

    Thanks Renaud! I just added more quantizing and randomizing to see if the drums sounded better looser.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.