Birdseye Profiles 4 in 1 Bass Pack now available.

  • ChuteBoxeHero March 18, 2024 at 8:02 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Birdseye Profiles is now live. Free sample pack available” to “Birdseye Profiles free sample pack. Audio samples are now available.”.
  • I tried the free pack. Very good!

    The profiles are the way I like them, without overlapping effects, which mask the true sound.

    It all seems to be based on substance, so I think the packs can represent the profiled amplifiers very well.

    I'm old, so let me give you some advice.

    Given that there is a lot of competition out there, perhaps too much, and it is also very complicated to switch to artfully done recordings with more than one microphone; perhaps you could concentrate on direct profiles of the type that I have indicated in this thread, where unfortunately you, being producers, cannot intervene.

    Your "clean and honest" way of conceiving profiles would make you very suitable for the purpose

    Anyway, good luck with your new business!

  • We are starting to add audio samples to our YouTube channel. First up is a Fuchs ODS 30. This sample starts off mild and gets spicy. Stay tuned for more amp profiles and a very nice bass amp pack coming soon and don't forget to check out our free sample pack available from our website.

    Audio sample of Fuchs ODS.

    Nice video with great sounds.

    Just to clarify, are we hearing the kemper or the mic'd up cab in the video as visually (and the dessciption) does not make this clear

  • Thanks so much for checking out the sample pack and for the kind words. We've included a handful of Direct profiles of our favorite settings in the full packs that are available currently. We will definitely look into adding more directs along with the studio profiles for our future amp profiles.

    Also I'd like to DM you regarding the methods you mentioned in your other thread regarding making direct profiles and the direct box you are using. Thanks again for the support.

  • Nice video with great sounds.

    Just to clarify, are we hearing the kemper or the mic'd up cab in the video as visually (and the dessciption) does not make this clear

    Thank you for checking it out! The audio you hear on YouTube was taken from our profile and went S/PDIF out into Pro Tools with no additional seasoning. The profile was originally made with the exact set up in the video. Fuchs into the Marshall 4x12 and we used a Royer 122v for the mic.

    Edited once, last by ChuteBoxeHero (March 20, 2024 at 3:24 PM).

  • ChuteBoxeHero June 20, 2024 at 9:14 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Birdseye Profiles free sample pack. Audio samples are now available.” to “Birdseye Profiles 4 in 1 Bass Pack now available.”.
  • We are proud to announce the newest edition to the Birdseye Profiles lineup...

    A 4 in 1 Classic bass amp pack consisting of a Ampeg CL, Mesa Boogie 400 +, Acoustic 370, Gallien Krueger 800RB. We are absolutely thrilled with the results we got on these 36 profiles. With conservative settings for each amp we feel we captured the truest quality of each of these destintcly different classics.

    We used lots of different mics and positions for a wide range of very usable tones. We also ran a few of them through our Studios 1" Ampex MM1200 tape machine for a really nice tape tone.

    Grab this pack and hear for yourself.

    Profile Packs | Birdseye Profiles
    Kemper profile packs for sale. This page has our current Kemper profile pack offerings.