Overdrive Special Bluesmaster profile uploaded

  • Hi, Im fairly new to the Kemper profiler, january 2024 was my first encounter. My band want to rehearse completely silent(headphones) and that made me buy a 2nd hand profiler+remote.

    I build amps for hobby and on ampgarage.com I'm one the guys behind different chassis and pcb offerings for the Overdrive Special and Steel String Singer #002.

    Long story short I made a profile of my ODS Bluesmaster, this is the first one and Im in for more of my amps hopefully. Guitar used is humbucker one.

    Pls check it out and leave a comment good/bad/ mmm etc.

    You can find it using ODS Bluesmaster.

    Thanks! Erwin

    Edit: made a small clip for reference.

    ODS Bluesmaster clip

    Edited once, last by erwinve (February 20, 2024 at 10:34 AM).

  • Thanks for making this available. How much Bluesmaster is the amp you built? Tonestack? PI? El34 or 6L6?

    I haven't had a chance to try it, but I'm eager to do so. I've found Dumble tones to hard to get with the Kemper for some reason. Always something missing in the mids. Also, it seems those that profile then don't understand PAB and that tone seems to be missing.

  • Thanks for making this available. How much Bluesmaster is the amp you built? Tonestack? PI? El34 or 6L6?

    I haven't had a chance to try it, but I'm eager to do so. I've found Dumble tones to hard to get with the Kemper for some reason. Always something missing in the mids. Also, it seems those that profile then don't understand PAB and that tone seems to be missing.

    Hi, You're welcome!

    There isnt a 1 type of Bluesmaster, but mine is one that is from a documented model at ampgarage.com. The tonestack is Bluesmaster as is the HRM tonestack at the drive part of the amp. Also with Bluesmaster Phase inverter(which is basically a Marshall PI) and 6L6GC-STR output tubes.

    Having build 70-ies, 80-ies style ODS, the Bluesmaster is a different kind of ODS amp, more aggresive compared to earlier generation ODS.

    For this profile I used the PAB and Drive together.

    In what way do you think the PAB confuses other profile makers?

  • Thank you for the details. There is some possible confusion regarding what Bluesmaster means which is why I asked. I have built quite a few D-style amps as well. I was, am, a member of TAG and benefitted from the info over there.

    It seems some profile maker(s) don't know what PAB is. In any case, the D style amps require multiple profiles due to all the switching. Also, the HRM with two tonestacks is not really possible mimic with the Kemper. So, an amps like those would require quite a lot of profiles at different setting to get there. My experience is that the chirp, bloom and mids are never 'right' with the Kemper. At least, I haven't heard a profile yet that does it really well.

    Looking forward to trying yours out though!

  • You forgot to delete "Bert Meulendijk Rig Pack II" from the profile comments

    Thats odd, I used 1 profile from that pack to compare levels. When saving my own made profile literally every comment from the comparison rig had to be deleted, I missed one.

    A pic from my amp, when profiling it.

  • Eso es extraño, usé 1 perfil de ese paquete para comparar niveles. Al guardar mi propio perfil, literalmente todos los comentarios de la plataforma de comparación tuvieron que ser eliminados, me perdí uno.

    Una foto de mi amplificador, al perfilarlo.

    Yes, it's strange, but that may be the explanation.

    the profile is very good

    Thanks for sharing (-;"