Sennheiser EW-D with Kemper

  • I use a Kemper Toaster since years and are super happy with it. On my pedal board I have the Kemper Remote plus an expression pedal and some other smaller fx stomps plus a WahWah. I run my guitar via a Line 6 Relay G50 wireless system (which is falling apart slowly) and where the receiver is also mounted on the pedal board, so everything is really compact.

    As said, my G50 is slowly reaching its end due to heavy wear - but more importantly we had a couple of gigs recently where the wireless guitar signals (all Line 6 Relays) of our 3 guitar players (2x Guitar, 1x Bass) interferred with the mixing consoles remote wifi control and caused chaos. As soon as we switched the wireless guitar stuff off, everything was fine again.

    So it is time for me to move on. I kind of preselected (after having read many reviews) the Sennheiser EW-D wireless system over Shure alternatives. What concerns me a bit (and having read some threads here in the forum) is the whole signal level thing in the EW-D which seems to cause some headaches for some. My G50 has no level adjustments, it is signal in/out and that‘s it. I like my sound and do not want to readjust my entire setup due to a new wireless system introducing now a new signalling level complication.

    Are there any further users out there who run the setup of a Sennheiser EW-D and a Kemper and maybe can comment especially on how changing from cable (or another wireless solution like the Line 6 Relay series) over to the EW-D has caused some sound influences and required massive new adjustments? The last thing I want is to ruin my sound and setup by switching over to the new wireles system. I know the EW-D offers gain and AF-Out level adjustments, but is this really ‘compatible’ with the Kemper, especially coming from a non-adjustable system (or cable) and where I do not want to now deteriorate my sound because of non-matching signal levels.

    One last point:

    Today my wireless receiver sits on my pedal board, from there the signal runs through some fx stomps / Wah / Autocorrect Vocal FX and then via a 6meter guitar cable back to the Kemper toaster. If I switch to the EW-D (which is rack mounted) I cannot fit the receiver on the pedal board anymore due to space issues. So the EW-D receiver will go next to the Kemper on the shelf /rack and from there via a 6 meter guitar cable to the pedal board, through my pedal board fx stomps / Wah Wah and back to the Kemper via another 6 meter cable. Would the additional 6m cable introduce any sound deterioration or issue? Any smart idea on a different installation for my setup?

    Edited once, last by PaulReedSmith (January 31, 2024 at 11:53 PM).