Need help getting a good Hi Gain tone...

  • ... because I don't think I'm good enough to get something recording worthy, since this is what I plan to do soon. I have come up with a tone that I like, but my friend who is a good sound engineer (and who initially suggested I buy KPA) claims that what I got sounds too digital when I play on high notes. He doesn't live near by and doesn't own a KPA so I can't have him tweak it. This is why I'm asking for your help here.

    Now, one other thing that MAY be the actual problem, is the fact that where I live at the moment I have a lot of electromagnetic interference, and it really annoys me, but luckily I'll be moving soon away from here. I still want to be sure if its really me overdoing some settings, or if its really something else.

    Here is the recording of the tone I made. It's just some power chords from lower to higher notes, to give you the idea..

    And this is the actual Rig (it's called Californication because I took the cabinet of that rig :) )

    Also, if anyone can come up with something similar, but better and RECORDING worthy, I would be willing to give away $50 for the trouble.

    Some other info that may help: It is a custom guitar, bolt on alder with quilted maple top, 3 piece maple/mahogany/maple neck, 7 string, seymour duncan blackouts (both neck version) pickups.

    This is the tone I was trying to get:

    The gear used on that concert was Mesa/Boogie Triaxis, 2:90 and Mesa cabinet, recorded with Shure SM57. Of course, I don't ask for this EXACT rig, but something that sounds similar.

    So help me out guys, will ya ? :)

    Edited once, last by metalhead (September 23, 2012 at 5:42 AM).

  • Another metalhead guy was very happy with my Screamer 50 profiles (HG Lead ones) plus Tills cabs.
    Check them out and lower the mids in order to get that scooped sound ;)
    You can try my Mesa Caliber 50+ (called Mesa B.50 metal) with a tills cab: it is basically a Caliber 50+, EL84 version, which is a damned high gain beast.
    With some tweaking you can get that profile sounding like THIS


  • Thanks guys, but would anyone be willing to do the following:

    1. check the recording and the exported rig and check if it's really sounding that digitial (both on my recording and played on your own, to figure out if its really the EMI causing the trouble or not)

    2. If it really is sounding digital, fix it OR make and upload a new patch that sounds kind of like what I'm after? Not just the profiled amp, but fully set up patch.

    It's the tweaking part that I'm not to confident yet to do on my own :D

  • I like your sound, I would say it's spot on.
    I wouldn't say that the sound on the youtube clip sounds less "digital". But the whole recording is a bit muffled, maybe due to the data compression.

    Your engineer will need five minutes to fit this sound into a similar mix, I have no worries.

    Funny that people say "digital sounding" about a profile. Would they say it when listening to the original?

  • Its mind over matter. serious..

    other day I tracked a guy with the Kemper, he was in a bit of a rush, and so phoned ahead for me to setup the same as he did previously. (few weeks back)
    He used my vintage vox, I recently profiled this amp anwyay, and so used the Kemper instead. - he came to studio, tracked it and was very happy with the sound. - he ended up re-doing the track anyway, as he disliked what he had done prior. - I asked him many times through the session if this was the sound he was after, and he honestly could not of been happier!

    After he finished, he went to the live room, and was confused on return, saying where is the amp?
    I told him it was the Kemper, - and immediately, the doubting began. - "oh lets listen back, make sure ts not too digital"

    Kindda funny. - he went home with a rough mixdown, and the next day he orderd 2 black ones.

    So the thought of digital units scares people, not the sound I think..

  • Thanks guys, I'm glad you liked it. I will still give this sound dude a chance once he gets his own KPA.. who knows, maybe he comes up with something :D thanks!!

    Try this:

    - Download Paul Triaxis Lead (rig Exchange)
    - Change cab to Tills recto (start with 02 and find your favourite. Also Tills V30 cab is worth to try)
    - Scoop middle according your taste

    Something to play with anyway...