Backup/transfer all through cloud?

  • I am quite fluent with profiler & rm backups. But what I can't seem to do use 100% cloud transfer from one unit to there other.

    I have a stage in my studio (recording), and another one for on the road for live use.

    When playing either, I am constantly tweaking settings and when the session is done, I want to go to RM, backup everything and drop it in a cloud folder.

    When I then arrive back to the other unit, I [want to] fire up RM, reach out to the cloud, and grab the backup and completely overwrite the profiler I am working with that day.

    Two units, far apart, constantly updated/overwritten ... Back and forth, back and forth.

    Yes I could backup to usb, unplug, plug, carry, etc. but it would be very slick to simply go to rig manager, do a complete backup, drop it into a shared folder on my computer so wherever I go on the world it’s sync'd up waiting for me

    All the parts and pieces seem to be there but I can’t quite figure it out...

    Appreciate input, assistance!

    Edited 2 times, last by alangeer (January 21, 2024 at 2:45 AM).