• A pitch shifter would be awesome...

    But is the sky's the limit, let's shoot higher than the Whammy (though Whammy style bending would be appreciated). Polyphonic shifting similar to the Electro Harmonix POG would be lovely as well as the ability to do intelligent pitch shifting (harmonization). If possible, even intelligent pitch shifted delay like that offered in the Digitech TimeBender and Eventide units.

  • To be honest, the lack of a pitch shifter at this price point is extremely surprising. Likely why there's been so many requests.

    I imagine Kemper wants to take their time and come up with a good pitch shifter, they'll need to do that as everyone will be comparing it to the excellent ones out there available by Fractal and Eventide, I know I would if i was running the company.. ;)

  • I imagine Kemper wants to take their time and come up with a good pitch shifter, they'll need to do that as everyone will be comparing it to the excellent ones out there available by Fractal and Eventide, I know I would if i was running the company.. ;)

    exactly. and with the eventide being around 500 usd, the KPA's price point is actually very economic considering what it already provides. the effects that it currently contains are pretty high quality. no reason to hastily add a mediocre line6 quality pitch shift/whammy simply because people are clamoring for it.

  • I imagine Kemper wants to take their time and come up with a good pitch shifter, they'll need to do that as everyone will be comparing it to the excellent ones out there available by Fractal and Eventide, I know I would if i was running the company.. ;)

    That's a positive way to look at things. I realize the box is a work in progress, but we have no idea on the outside what is the end feature set will be. IMHO, pitch shifting (bending, intelligent, and polyphonic) should be high on the priority list.

  • I hope we get pitching and whammy soon. I don't think Christoph has ever said it was going to be added? it would be nice if Mr Kemper could at least say if it will or wont be added in the future

    definitely! this would be very nice from Kemper people to let us know their intention.

    I'm still in the doubt of buying a whammy pedal or wait for a kemper implement. At least if I know the Kemper will NEVER have it (which is of course a legitimate and respectable choice) I could go for the whammy pedal full steam.

    I would regret to buy a pedal and after just a couple of months I have it in the kemper............


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  • Slightly off topic here but I ended up buying a Morpheus Bomber and im really disappointed with it as it has very bad lag which made it unusable for what i wanted to do with it. Not one single review I read pointed this issue out they even said it was very fast tracking with no lagg. The Lesson learned here is Never trust reviews from magazines

  • Slightly off topic here but I ended up buying a Morpheus Bomber and im really disappointed with it as it has very bad lag which made it unusable for what i wanted to do with it. Not one single review I read pointed this issue out they even said it was very fast tracking with no lagg. The Lesson learned here is Never trust reviews from magazines

    You should try out the Whammy V. There is a very subtle latency (less by comparison than my Electro Harmonix Ravish pedal and significantly less than the Zoom G3 pitch shifting, but slightly more than the GSP1101 likely due to the polyphonic aspect) but its totally usable. Great pedal IMHO, you can watch my demo here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMBNdqdvULA.

  • You should try out the Whammy V. There is a very subtle latency (less by comparison than my Electro Harmonix Ravish pedal and significantly less than the Zoom G3 pitch shifting, but slightly more than the GSP1101 likely due to the polyphonic aspect) but its totally usable. Great pedal IMHO, you can watch my demo here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMBNdqdvULA.

    Thanks Will that's a good video. Would you say the actual sound of the new Digitech Whammy is improved over the older models or is it the same core whammy sound with some new features added?

  • Thanks Will that's a good video. Would you say the actual sound of the new Digitech Whammy is improved over the older models or is it the same core whammy sound with some new features added?

    Improved is tricky here. The only other dedicated Whammy (ie not part of an RP/GSP) I've owned was the Whammy II years ago. While it is called the Whammy, it isn't a pure reissue as it offers polyphonic operation. So in that area it is a huge improvement over the old Whammy. However, there are those who really like the glitchy nature of the older Whammy's. This gets close with the classic mode, but seems a bit more stable and less chaotic. So if ye seeketh the glitch, perhaps the older was better. The true bypass of the V is a huge improvement of the poor buffer/bypass of the Whammy II I had years ago though. It does however, have the same general Whammy vibe but sounds bit higher fidelity IMO. Most the users I've spoken with who have owned older units and the V have preferred the V, but that could be GAS as much as anything...