Player + Fender ToneMaster Pro: Match made in heaven?

  • I’ve been using my new Fender ToneMaster Pro and the UI is so wonderful nothing will ever be the same. I feel total freedom. Goodbye user manuals.

    I also love the clean Fender amp sounds.

    But… I don’t want to give up my amazing Kemper Stage sounds.

    I’ve integrated the Stage into the Fender ToneMaster by simply assigning a button to route the send/return stereo aux.

    Create parallel routing on the ToneMaster: One for the Fender + foot switches, a parallel path for the Kemper AUX return.

    So, one button labelled “Kemper” (in green😄) switches off the Fender amp path and switches on the Kemper stage path. It works perfectly.

    But, the stage and ToneMaster is a tad hefty (and wide) for a pedalboard!

    Enter the Player. I will be selling the stage at some point, buying the Player. My Fender Tonemaster becomes the beautiful mothership, with one button access to the Kemper, in a nice neat pedalboard package.

    I will also see how I go about adding Midi control and if I can assign more granular control on the Kemper, from the Fender.

    So great to have this big beauful display of the Fender Tonemaster and have the amazing Kemper sounds sitting right there in the background on demand.

    My partner rolls her eyes but it all makes perfect sense to me 😎

  • I've been using my TMP with the Kemper ever since I got it. I sold my Stage unit and kept the Rack so I'm not using any floor space. Since I don't play out any more I have no reason to downgrade to a Player.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Would be interesting to see what other things in other units that would augment the Kemper.

    I have been writing a VST for a year now and all my other equipment is gathering dust. But I keep getting antsy to use the Kemper with all these great rollouts lately. The VST has stereo IRs so that was always a thing. But the other day I added 150Hz low pass into a slight distortion and added that back into the sound. To try and give it some speaker breakup and thump. Its definitely fun running the Kemper thru that craziness.

    I know Pod HDs had a thump setting for example. Every unit I have ever had, has some cool thing about it nothing else has. Even going back to my early digitech RP that had a Single Coil/Humbucker selection.

    Interesting to see what people can frankenstein together. Especially with the PLAYER being affordable. You could use multiple units and go nuts.

  • Every unit I have ever had, has some cool thing about it nothing else has.

    Yep, combining the best features of gear old and new can get great and unique results. But Live, it's gotta be easy!

    I’ve still got a 20 year old VG8 guitar synth which produces some sounds nothing today can match IMHO. I've run it with the Kemper and ToneMaster.

    But it weights a ton, needs a 13 pin cable and special Roland GK-3 guitar pickup. So only good for fun at home.

    The great thing about the new Player and ToneMaster together is it really is simple to setup, relatively small footprint, and I would be confident on a stage with it.

  • The midi CC and PC on the TMP user interface is really easy to set up. I'm using wireless midi (2 CAD Widi Masters) which are powered by both units (no pwr supply) to control my Kemper Rack. And the visuals on the floor are great.

  • I also just got the TMP. I just started messing with it today. I've incorporated my VG-99 with it using the guitar modeling to switch between acoustic and different guitar models.

    I had originally intended to use the TMP only with my VG-99 to simplify my setup. I've been getting great results with dual amp setups in the TMP. But now, as you have mentioned, I can see the benefit of incorporating the Kemper with it. I have the stage so it will be a little cumbersome. Maybe I'll switch to a rack or a player. I'm leaning toward a used rack since it wouldn't be that much more than a player.

    Do you mind sharing your patch on the TMP to show how you are doing this?