Suggestion for future liquid packs for profiler creators (raw profiles, tweaked profiles, and performances)

  • I haven't bought a lot of liquid profiles yet, but it would be nice to have some "raw" baseline profiles, some tweaked profiles, and some performances. That's the way Bert's new profile packs are set up. I liked when Michael Britt started including the performances with his packs and I figure he'll do the same in his future liquid packs. It gives a good starting point.

    One of my favorite things about the Kemper is how I can find rigs set up to sound good "out of the box". I wasn't having to constantly fiddle with knobs, swap cabs, change mic placement, etc. like I had to do in modelers. That was my #1 preference of a profiler over a modeler. Having the ability to make realistic tweaks with the tone stacks is a great improvement, but it would be nice to still have profiles sounded good "out of the box".

    I really like how Bert's new packs have some "raw" baseline profiles, some tweaked profiles, and some performances. This makes it easier to find something I initially like and then slightly tweak it. Hopefully the other profile creators can do something similar to what Bert did in their future liquid profiling packs.