USB recording with Logic Pro X (Basic Home Studio Output option)

  • Hi,

    I'm starting to record my sessions with the kemper in logic pro x via USB and I'm noticing that what I listen thru my headphones while recording has more quality than the track recorded in logic when i listen to it, once recording, thru the kemper and the same headphones. I put no effects or other things in the track in logic.

    Does anyone know why this happens?

    Is there any quality loss by recording via USB from kemper?

    What do you thing about buying a audio interface like apollo twin x, connect the kemper to it via audio cable and record in logic from the apollo usb?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • USB audio does not change the sound of a rig as it is sent to the computer.

    Which output source is selected for the USB Audio path in the Profiler? Make sure to select Master Stereo for the full signal chain.

    Is the headphone space parameter in the output menu of the Profiler activated?

    Are you recording on a stereo track? If you record a stereo signal on a mono track the resulting recording will sound different.

    Are you using any plug-ins in your master bus in Logic? The DAW volume parameter in the Profiler will control the level of the complete signal from your DAW including the master bus and not only what has been recorded on the track.

  • I was digging today deeper on this issue because, to be honest, the problem was not totally solved. After spending a while changing things both in the profiler and in logic pro with no success, I came across with this menu in the output section (right click), which allows you to pick among some presets, included "basic home studio" (pic attached). Having chosen this option, the track recorded now sounds exactly the same than what I play in the kemper.

    Now I can tell, the problem is solved! 8)

  • Marcusdevildog December 6, 2023 at 9:26 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “USB recording with Logic Pro X” to “USB recording with Logic Pro X (Basic Home Studio Output option)”.