Which LP tonestack do you prefer?

  • When I profile my 1959SLP with the channels jumped, I have trouble deciding which tonestack to use (brite or normal)...

    I know the real answer, "try them both and use the one you like best."

    I get that, but I'm curious which tonestack those of you with plexi style amps have tried with jumpering? I have a couple of JTM45s in the same boat and I'm about to profile those as well. I don't know enough about the electronics to know if one of those tonestacks actually makes sense. However, no matter what I realize that I don't have two volume controls (for "gain.")

    I'm trying out my 2203 ('79 JMP, pre-JCM800) liquid profile at tonight's gig. So far I dig the sound a lot, I'm hoping it's as good on stage as I think it will be.