Set Morph Default Value and Range independently when loading rigs

  • I have asked many times for a second morph pedal to allow for things like leaving an expression pedal constantly assigned to Delay Mix while still having a second morph that could be assigned to other functions on a rig by rig basis. I don't think I will ever see this feature added as the team at Kemper think it will add unnecessary complexity for other users.

    However, I have another morph idea that I would love to see and I can't think of any downside to it so please, please, please add it for me (even if just to shut me up and stop me moaning about morphing ;))

    At the moment a rig always loads with the morph value of the heel position (regardless of the pedal's actual physical position). Users can set a desired min to max range. For my delay scenario, where I want to be able to ride the delay mix in real time, I would love to have the option to set a "load value" anywhere in the range between min and max morph values. This would allow users to ride the level up OR down from the loaded value.

    For example, let's say the morph exp pedal is assigned to Delay Mix with a heel position min value of 10% and a toe position max value of 65%. Although the user wants to be able to have access to these two limits it is likely that they really want to default somewhere in the middle most of the time. An added "load value" would let users specify that, on loading the value would be X% ( say 45% for example), but the morph pedal could then be used to increase or reduce the value as required.

    The obvious difficulty with this scenario is that the KPA doesn't know the actual position of the expression pedal at the point of loading the rig. Therefore, there may be the possibility of a jump in values the first time the pedal is moved. This would be no worse that the current morph scenario where the value isn't morphed until the pedal has reached heel after loading a rig. If the morph pedal is in the toe position when a rig is loaded nothing happens until it has been returned to heel at least once after loading the rig.

    However, if there was some way for the KPA to send a calibration signal to the pedal every time a rig is loaded it could read the resistance of the pedal and compensate accordingly. I believe the KPA already calibrates continuously for min an max travel so I presume there must a be a way to apply similar processes to calculate (even approximately) the current position of the pedal. Another example to support this idea is the Wah bypass@heel or bypass@toe settings. When loading a rig with an active Wah stomp the KPA currently checks the pedal position and knows whether to load a rig with the Wah on or Off. Surely there must be a way to estimate an in between position based on current resistance?