Liquid Profiles, Convert or Profile again?

  • First, thank you Kemper for the continuous improvements! If someone at Kemper can confirm, or if it has already been confirmed, sorry for re-asking: For my old profiles where the target amp tone knobs were all set to noon, and gain set to 10, is there a reason to profile these again under Liquid? Best I can tell, an old profile with target amp tones at 5 and gain at 10, if I burn the settings and convert these old profiles to Liquid, then that is the same thing as as profiling again under Liquid? Can you confirm if correct? Not sure if profiling under Liquid gathers NEW information that the old profiling process did not capture (aside from the pot settings).

    thanks again

  • First, thank you Kemper for the continuous improvements! If someone at Kemper can confirm, or if it has already been confirmed, sorry for re-asking: For my old profiles where the target amp tone knobs were all set to noon, and gain set to 10, is there a reason to profile these again under Liquid? Best I can tell, an old profile with target amp tones at 5 and gain at 10, if I burn the settings and convert these old profiles to Liquid, then that is the same thing as as profiling again under Liquid? Can you confirm if correct? Not sure if profiling under Liquid gathers NEW information that the old profiling process did not capture (aside from the pot settings).

    thanks again

    I believe there is no change to the profiling process so you should not need to profile again, it adds nothing.

    The change in LQ is purely the availability of the tone stacks and the ability to " burn" the original settings...