Pops on higain palmmutes with studio eq on

  • Hi Kemper board!

    Edit: I fixed the problem by reducing the cab volume from 5 to 0. I had the rig and stack volumes pretty unbalanced, now both are back at 0 and the popping is gone.

    I just noticed some strange pops, but only with the studio EQ engaged. I had to do some heavily muted C5 powerchords (I'm in drop C), mute the chord instantly and really dig into the string, but then they really popped out.
    Showcase: http://soundcloud.com/bon-para-ara/studio-eq-djent-pm-pop
    Rig is here: http://kemper-amps.com/api/downloadri…zqDkjbjT7?.kipr (Name: ara_TillS 860 2 MICS, customized Engl profile by Till, awesome stuff btw)
    My Studio EQ settings, for convenience.
    Low: 125.5 Hz, -7.5db (I also got pops at 60Hz, but 125.5 is the current value, so, yeah)
    High: 9576.2Hz, -6.3db

    Mid1: 599.8Hz
    Mid2: 1499.2Hz
    Both Mids at 0db and 0.707Q
    Mix 100%
    Volume 0db

    My Guitar: Ibanez RG1XXV (Basswood, bolt-on maple neck with walnut stripes, blocked Ibanez Trem) with Bareknuckle Painkiller pickups, bridge selected, obviously.
    I got the pops with FRFR speaker on right main out, headphones on headphone out, and left main out into Line 6 UX1 interface into Reaper.

    I hope I've been thorough enough and this helps improve an awesome product! :)

    PS: Take a look at the profile if you're into Higain and haven't tried Tills profiles yet, it's awesome and my main tone.

    Edited once, last by ara_ (August 31, 2012 at 6:00 PM).

  • What is your cab volume on? This happens to me someone's, but only If the cab volume is high strangely enough....

    Cab vol is max, I'll try with lower, brb
    Edit: Ok, with cab vol at noon the pops were gone. I'll update my first post

  • It is not a good idea generally to raise any of the volumes too much, it can cause clipping and everything.

    The Output LED never went red though, and I assume the cab is last in the signal chain? I mean, it looks like some sort of clipping, but I'm curious where exactly.

  • The Output LED never went red though, and I assume the cab is last in the signal chain? I mean, it looks like some sort of clipping, but I'm curious where exactly.

    When I got clipping it was significantly louder than the tone's volume, so I don't really think this hard clipping, but could be that something is clipping in the chain. Better check ALL volumes twice (stomp volumes, effect volumes etc.) and also your Input settings!

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Glad it worked for ya. Not sure why this happens, but happened to me as well, and my instinct for some reason told me that was the issue. I have the same problem of any of the volumes in the effects chain are too high, such as the low and high pass filters.

  • I also can trigger the clipping when lightly muting the low F#,and slap the string with the pick. Then I get this LOUD pop from my solid state amp. Makes me nervous when it does this, because sometimes I want to play a little agressive.

    Clean sens=0 amp volume(volume bottom right)=half way.
    Cab is disabled, and no effects

    Do you also need to adjust cab/stomp even if they are "off" ??