What's a good 'Monitor Out' level on the Kemper Stage for live use with a traditional power amp + cab?

  • I have mine set at around -12db, but what's the optimal way of using it? Is it better to crank the power amp volume and control volume levels with the Kemper's monitor out level, or is it better to have a set value on the Kemper and dial the volume in by using the power amp's volume knob? Just looking for some opinions.

  • as a rule of thumb you should set the output level for the monitor output to a value where it does not clip the input of the power amp. Set the overall volume with the volume dial of your power amp.

    Keep in mind that there are numerous gain stages in the signal flow starting with your instrument and how hard you pick it.

    Clean sens and the volume levels in the stomps and effects as well as amp and rig volume will also have an influence.

    Watch the input and output LEDs of the Profiler to make sure you are not already clipping the signal before it reaches the monitor output. An occasional red light should not be a problem but ultimately trust your ears.