[HOW TO] Connect Rig Manager to Kemper over LAN (or WAN even)

  • I've got the Rig Manager working with my Kemper on my local home network. The catch is you need a device at the other end to plug the Kemper into, either an RPi, Linux system, Windows or iOS machine. I've plugged mine into my nearby NAS unit.

    All you need is here, and use the option on my screenshot for the connection:

    VirtualHere Server (for Win, Linux, iOS, QNAP, Synology, Android etc)

    VirtualHere Client (for Win, Linux, iOS etc)

    Setup the server software on the device/machine most conveniently near your Kemper, then use the client to connect as per my screenshot. There are no settings to concern yourself with. A motivated person could use a small USB powered linux device (Raspberry Pi) etc, or PoE device in conjunction with the PoE/footswitch and WiFi setup elsewhere and be able to hit the Kemper anywhere, anytime. With some fancy port forwarding etc you can easily make this work via the Internet too.

    How's the latency? Well on my NAS, when its not busy, the client is reporting < 1ms. So yeah, decent.

    I don't think this requires more of a tutorial than above, its really quite straightforward. Good luck! VirtualHere server has a demo time (15 days or something) then after that it is $49 for an unlimited lifetime license - which is peanuts for adding this functionality to your Kempers!

  • Hi OldShredderhand! The only reason I didn't even bother is the codebase for that is way out of date, and the whole project seems abandoned. Did you happen to try it and see if it does work? Be interesting to see if it can run on a relatively modern Linux server endpoint + Windows 11.

  • All this solutions needs a windows or raspberry pi and a lot of software skills.
    Tryout this

    Definitely, for anyone having a go though, just be wary that a lot, well most, of the cheaper "USB network servers" only support a small range of compliant printers etc and do not implement an actual raw usable USB port, so mileage may vary. I wonder what the CHEAPEST working brand/model is !

  • Hi RaMoNsTeR, are you using Virtualhere on a Windows or Mac system?

    I've just fired it up and Rig Manager isn't seeing the Profiler on my Mac.

    I can plug a USB stick into the server and access that fine. I'm using a GL.iNet GL-AR300M16 as the server.

    In System Information I can see the Profiler, so the operating system can detect it, but Rig Manager won't mount it for whatever reason. It seems to be on a a USB bus called AppleUSBUserHCI.

    My Mac is running macOS 12.7.2 Monterey

    Any ideas?


  • Hi, I'm using Windows so yes, maybe the MAC version has some issues, try playing with the various settings and good luck.

  • Post for anyone discovering this thread who is a mac user.....

    I did a load of testing. I can access all kinds of non-audio devices from my mac just fine. I can access my Kemper just fine from the Windows version of the client.

    Mac refuses to work on any computer. I believe there is a security 'feature' of the MacOS that stops this working as it sees it as an audio device.

    VirtualHere have a note "Microphones/webcams wont work via VirtualHere"