Kemper Stage and HX FX Cable Routing?

  • Hello! So I recently built my first pedalboard to go along with the kemper. I have a few drive pedals and then the hx fx for all of my wet fx. Could someone please explain what my routing should be? I know I need the hx fx ran in the fx loop of the kemper but I can’t get it to work right. I also had a certain setup that I thought was right, but the left side in my in ears was quieter than the right and without any effects on the hx fx it sounded like a “chorusy” out of phase sound. Some help would be much appreciated! Also important note, I’m trying to run the hx fx in stereo.

    Edited once, last by TDW03PW (December 29, 2022 at 7:09 PM).

  • What Kemper are you running? Head/Rack or Stage.

    If Head/Rack then drive need to go in front of input. If Stage you can put a mono FX loop in the Stomp section before the Amp and also use a Stereo loop in the FX section after the amp.

    Make sure you load a Loop FX type in the Kemper and turn this on to have the HX in the signal path.

  • I have a stage! And I have separate drive pedals that I’ve been plugging straight into the input. But I’m confused on what cables need to go where exactly between the the kemper and the hx fx . Then I’m not sure if I need to do anything else in the settings of the kemper other than just adding and fx loop block. I’ve tried plugging send 1 and 2 into input L and R on hx fx. Then return 1 and 2 into output L and R on hx fx but I’m not sure if that’s correct or not