Unusual high-squeels coming from Kemper

  • Hey all,

    So yesterday we did a gig at a big venue, and when I was done setting up my kemper, I hooked up my guitar, and the kemper squeeled like a dying pig....

    I'm not talking guitar feedback here, but a high-pitched interference-like squeeling. It was also doing it wihtout anything connected to the input.

    Best of all, we run 3 kempers, and the kemper of the other guitarist did exactly the same thing!

    The only solution, luckily, was to set the noise gate to +10, or we wouldn't have been able to play at all. (noise gate is usually set to +2 or +3)

    I've done loads and loads of gigs, from small ones with shitty power-lines, to headliner stuff on big stages and not even once did we encounter what happened yesterday.

    I'm pretty sure if I power on the kemper now, it will just work fine (as it did two days before during rehearsal).

    Could bad mains power cause this behaviour? Or something with the XLR cables going to the FOH? I actually should've removed the XLR cables from the Kemper to see it that was the cause, but we were in a hurry to set up and start the gig.

  • Could be several things.

    Are you using wireless equipment? Being close to transmitter towers can wreak havoc.

    If you played a venue that has an old hearing aid transmission system installed and it’s turned on, they WILL ruin your signal.

    Could also be badly shielded power cables at the venue.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Hooked the kemper up at home yesterday, no issues. So it was the venue after all.

    I'm running my Line6 Relay90 for the past 12 years and never had issues before. I do believe that I powered down my Relay 90, and the squeeling was still happening. Might be time to consider a backup amp lol

  • Hooked the kemper up at home yesterday, no issues. So it was the venue after all.

    I'm running my Line6 Relay90 for the past 12 years and never had issues before. I do believe that I powered down my Relay 90, and the squeeling was still happening. Might be time to consider a backup amp lol

    I did have an issue previously with a wireless that when powered down, it produced noise into the Kemper (like it was expecting a signal). My current wireless doesn't seem to do it, so no idea what caused it.

    I suspect it was dirty power/interference. I've found my Kemper responds better than other equipment to power problems but its not immune. Must have bene worrying and useful that there was another Kemper there, albeit having the same problem. At least you knew it wasn't a fault on your kemper!