Kemper LCD screen going bad and possible battery issue - solved

  • Last night, at band practice, when I turned my Kemper on the screen looked strange. The left side of the screen was darker than the right side. There was some vertical banding in the display. I messed with the display settings, but never did get it looking right. Today, I noticed that the tuner screen looks pretty normal. When I change to browser it looks ok for a half second and then the black fades to much lighter. The System pages look really bad, with the left side much darker than the right side.

    I bought this in 06/14/2017, so I'm also wondering if an unrelated issue is that the battery needs changed. I saw a strange error a few weeks ago that I thought was related to the battery, but I didn't get a picture of the error. If I need to get the screen replaced it would probably be best to have the battery replaced as well.

    I created a support ticket, but in the mean time, anyone seen this before and know approximately how much it costs/how long it takes to repair, being in the USA? Thanks.

  • I'm wondering if some sort of condensation did that. Do you live in high humidity area? I do have a LCD calculator that must be 30 years old and the screen still looks new. :/

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think that is it in my case. I either run humidifiers or dehumidifiers to keep my humidity around 50%. I don't keep any of my gear in garages or cars for any longer than it takes to go from home to practice/gigs. My gigs are almost all indoors at bars, and haven't had an outdoor one in months. I always transport it in a padded case and it's never been dropped or mistreated. I have an HD500x, a Helix, and dozens of electronic devices, many 10+ years old with no screen issues.

  • The vertical banding is what was really freaking me out. That and the left side being darker than the right right.

    I went to do some contrast adjustments, to get some additional pictures of how that affected the display. I did not realize you can take the contrast over 100. I took it up to 150 and everything looks normal. There is no banding and the color is consistent across the screen.

    I still have no idea how it got changed though. No one touches my Kemper but me and I don't re call ever messing with the display settings before yesterday. Really, the only thing I typically do in the system setting is checking the version to compare it with firmware release versions.

    I'm going to keep an eye on things, but hopefully everything is good. Anyone know if it is normal to have color banding or having one side darker than the other when turning down the contrast?