Direct out (git analog) - Sound different?

  • Hi,

    according to the Manual the Direct Output with "Git Analog" selected in the output section should transfer the signal to the amp without any change, correct?

    So whether I'm plugged into the amp directly or into the Kemper and then via direct out should result in the exact same sound?

    Are there any parameters that can affect this chain? Anything else that can be adjusted or that needs to be turned off if I really want to transfer just the pure guitar signal?

    There's no AD/DA conversion with this configuration?

    The thing is that it does sound different to me. It sounds more compressed with onpleasant highs that get more noticable the louder it gets.

    I've checked different cables, guitars etc. The compression is especially noticable when I turn down the volume on my guitar. Directly into the amp I can turn it down to a point where there's just a shimmer of guitar sound, when picking really light with my fingers. With the Kemper in between I can never get as quiet.

    Have you experienced the same thing?