Line 6 Powercab 112 .vs Tech 21 Power Engine 112

  • Hi all,

    Don't think this is an issue with my Stage, just looking for some advice/input/etc. I have both of the powered speakers mentioned in the title. When i'm practicing with my band using the Line 6, I have it cranked as loud as it will go, even with the monitor output of my Stage maxed at 0.0db, I can barely hear myself over the drummer. Just did a little test, Line 6 maxed, Tech 21 at 50% volume... output monitor level at -18.8db, the Tech 21 is louder than the line 6 at 50%. Not by much, but definitely is louder. How is that possible when the Tech 21 is only 60w, and the Line 6 is 250w? My only complaint about the Line 6 so far is the volume doesn't seem to be 250w, just proved to myself at least that's it's not as loud as I feel it should be. I've seen a few other people on here mention volume level of the L6 seems to be low... am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting on the L6 that I need to adjust that i'm missing?
