Noise problem with Comp 01

  • Hello!
    Gotta problem with comp 01, below you find a clip (clip number 1) you can hear that. It starts with that noise, and the noise is going away when rollin the volume know slowly. That noise is ok, and like used to. When rolling volume knob faster, that loud noise is coming up again, then you can hear me taking the cable out of the amp, the noise is reducing again, then after some faster volume rolls the louder noise is back again. Then again some slow volume pot action, and the lower noise is back again, like it should be and stay. Some quicker action again, and loud noise is back.

    The rig is the Gondwana Fan1, it´s the comp 01, with intensity on 4.4, no noise gate and no other stomps or effects.

    When the louder noise is there, and I arise the Squash of the comp 01 to about 1.2, the louder noise is disappearing again (clip number 2), and coming back when lowering the Squash again. Also when unplugging and plugging the input jack, louder noise is also disappearing.

    Would like to know if that´s a software or hardware problem. OS is Public Beta

    Thanks, ACY!

    Clip 1

    Clip 2

  • Not here for selling pickups, sorry! Here to share/get knowledge about those lil green radios! ;) JoeBlob just gave me a note that he could reproduce that behaviour on his KPA. Have to excuse myself if my words are wrong, as I wrote comp 01, but that just seems a setting, so just take the Compressor, intensity 4.4, attack 0.0, squash 0.0, mix 100%, and volume 1.8. That´s the settings, and then some volume pot action.

    I came to that problem when trying some rigs for the first time (just got the KPA some few days) and found that problem on Rigs Strumming 01 and Strumming 02, as I´m doing lots of volume pot action when playing. Suddenly I had that noise, so I kept trying to find out more about that problem. So I found the compressor being the one to cause that, so I put that in another rig to try what will happen. That´s what you can hear in my clips.

    Thanks, have to open a beer now!

  • Hi Acy, same here, I can also reproduce it. Please log the issue with support (on the Kemper website). Obviously you can do it in German... ;)
    Well spotted, none of the beta testers noticed it. :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • ...Well spotted, none of the beta testers noticed it. :thumbup:

    Hey mate!
    Sorry I found that, did not search for that! ;) Have to do all in my job with watchful ears (all the works on tube amps, guitar electrics ......) so that short moment with more noise been enough to react and try to find that problem. Checked the guitar pots first, and did some faster rollins, so I found out that reaction on fast rollin downs, what is also happening in my way of playing guitar. That´s it!

    I send a notice to support about that.

    Nice day, ACY!