KPA test by FAS

  • this forum is no better than the fractal forum (or any other brand forum) if we keep bashing their products/developers here.
    the polite and smart way to handle this would be to ignore these kind of comparisons. show them better

    We need to maintain our title of "Fully Grown Men™ "

    Let's not get distracted from keeping the pressure on our own Kemper team. ^^

    In revenge we should start a thread about scientific consideration of fan noise influence on tone.

    " If you seek revenge, dig two graves"- Chinese Proverb.

  • If D is no 11R then K is no Kemper and F is no AFX. That could mean that the K is the AFX and D is the Kemper.

    Who cares!

    We also could test user errors, fan noise, battery life, screen pixel diyings, skin colour fading, manual thicknis, waitlisting, life time updates, guitar cable inlet quality, etc etc

    Won't bring me of gassing for the 3U 19" Kemper

  • this forum is no better than the fractal forum (or any other brand forum) if we keep bashing their products/developers here.

    the polite and smart way to handle this would be to ignore these kind of comparisons. show them better

    Indeed i have never seen CK posting comparisons to proof that the KPA is better than AFII.
    Many users here feel like it does, others don't think so, but that's ok.
    In Italy we say "de gustibus non disputandum est", it's a latin expression which means that everybody has his own taste about everything on this world.
    I just think that Cliff, as a competitor, has chosen the worse approach, with a direct attack to a competitor.
    And that's a shame, since i think that FAS makes awesome products (i owned a standard and an ultra, which are great machines), and i think that they can keep their customers just by improving their stuff.

    I don't think that Leo Fender has ever written an article arguing why a Strat is better than and LP, and viceversa.

  • Very interesting...

    So I came from the 11R. I always thought it sounded pretty good and played quite well (just lacked in the hi-gain and gating dept.). I remember back in the day, FAS bashing the 11r as a toy and no where near the Axe. So Axe II comes out and low and behold it now has a configurable hi-z input and a few other things that were on the 11 and not the Axe (usb etc..), go figure... So enter the KPA and low and behold Axe now has tone matching and low fi effect. If the other units are so inferior, why is he copying them?

    So I save my pennies and keep reading reviews and listening to sound clips between the Axe and KPA. I have to say the Axe doesn't do a good "crunch", sure it has great effects but the "crunch" just isn't there. So what finally sealed the deal apart from the KPA's superior sound, were the crummy comments from the owner... I won't spend my money to support such crappy behavior to customers.

    p.s. Sorry for the long rant... so while I still have a lot of good will with my "D", I prefer the "K" by a huge margin. The "sound" is just there, aliasing hasn't been a problem.

  • I was aware of the fact that Cliff doesn't like competition.
    But this is the biggest epic fail i have ever seen, talking about style.
    Sorry about that.
    I just turn on my KPA and don't care about 10kHz signals, since my guitar doesn't produce them :thumbup:

    Exactly. This type of "oh I found a flaw in my competitor's products!" and then pointing out something that would be very difficult to reproduce in ordinary usage... to the point where he even had to disable the cabinet to get his "results" is silly. It would be like doing car testing on a car but removing the tires from the wheels. Yeah, your car may perform better with no tires on... but a) who would drive with no tires? and b) why ignore the fact that with tires your car does't drive as well and costs more.

  • Exactly. This type of "oh I found a flaw in my competitor's products!" and then pointing out something that would be very difficult to reproduce in ordinary usage... to the point where he even had to disable the cabinet to get his "results" is silly. It would be like doing car testing on a car but removing the tires from the wheels. Yeah, your car may perform better with no tires on... but a) who would drive with no tires? and b) why ignore the fact that with tires your car does't drive as well and costs more.

    somebody had to inflate his ego...

  • "It is always better to improve and strengthen your own line or knowledge than to try and cut your opponent's line."
    - Ed Parker (via Joe Hyams)

    One of my favorite lessons, from a great book - seems appropriate to share it here:

    Now, back to enjoying my Kemper! :thumbup:

    Great quote! :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Whether it is true or not It is sad they need incur in such dubious tactics . I have to agree they seem desperate. Cliff himself even said that he is going to tone match the best KPA profiles and upload them to Axe Exchange. :S

    Btw, If hope you are able to fix the aliasing issues soon.

    This is a hilarious statement. If he was a Fully Grown Male Individual (tm) he would know that 'tone matching' the KPA is like saying he is going to tone match real amps which is what his product is supposed to do anyways. 8o :love:

  • This somehow reminds me of the "war" between microsoft and apple and the hype that was created around Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Instead of all THIS I would like to have an interview with Cliff and CK talking about their ideas, about what they think the future of guitaramp technology will be and things like that.
    Would be way more productive.

    Bottom line is both are men that built a guitar processor out of nothing. Fractal did change modelling and built one of the best multi fx unit you can buy. And Kemper went another way and took the sound much further and even inspired Fractal.

    I never understood the hate going on between gear owners and/or manufacturers. Heck, I'm writing you from a macbook with windows and if I had the money I'd run my Kemper into an Axe-Fx. :P

  • but its a bit different, CK got here first in the "Model" market, and did well out of it with his older units, as there was nothing out there of the same quality for several years.

    CK was very innovative, and created a new brand that was NOT the norm, It did not stamp on Fractals turf or anyone else's. - if anything it upset real amp manufactures the most.

    Since then, Fractal has tired to steel some of CK's turf and claim it his own, and then cant understand why he doesn't have the fanbase he used to have. hence the need to go defensive publicly.

    Kemper is the real champ here, because of its design, and ease of use, and people are getting to know this, and furthermore want some!

    So this then encourages Fractal to try harder and compete with what CK is doing.. like a bad shadow!.

    Business is business, you always do what you can to earn coin, rightly or wrongly.

  • Im neither a Kemper user or an Axe user at the moment.

    For awhile i thought about buying a kemper unit,but then i started reading tgp topics and i changed my opinion and was very close on a purchase of an Axe unit(i even made a pre order on a store where i live,which as now been canceled).
    Lately Mr Cliff has been on a roll over tgp,his kind of behavior shows an incredible lack of faith and trust on his on product.

    When you got o the trouble of saying blatant lies on other forums it just shows how desperate a person is.I have to say that was one of the principal reasons why i abort my pre order 2 days ago.

    First of all i disprove his behavior,it's sleazy and childish(and even worst it's a lack's ethic).Secondly this same behavior like i said shows a lack of confidence on his own product and that for me was the real deal breaker.If the own creator is so insecure about is own product that he needs to resort to this kind of behavior that says a lot.

    That said im again a potential kemper buyer.

  • Why not try a KPA? Most places have a 30 day return policy ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer