KPA test by FAS

  • Is not question of bad profile (I can make every profile sound like shit if I want), is question of commercial politic. The owner of a company running a direct comparative test publicly is the worse example of business ethics I could think about it. Instead of trying to magnify the advantages and improvements of his own product (that, BTW, is freaking awesome!), he takes every chance to turn down the competitor's one. No-go on my book, no respect for that. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • It's not the first time Fractal is spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) about a competitive product.
    FUD info & history:,_uncertainty_and_doubt
    It's a very common tactic in the businessworld. It's bad ethics and customers don't like unprofessional behaviour like that from a company.

    Reminds me of the funny movie Billy Madison.
    The quizz competition at the end where it's instant failure on the topic "business ethics".

  • I saw that thread and it does seem pretty unethical and not needed. It does reek of a sense of jealousy and or desperation. If I would venture a guess I would think that Cliff has noticed more and more AxeFXII users like myself become impressed with the KPA and decide to leave the Axe behind in favor of the KPA. If word keeps spreading on how incredible the KPA is that could eventually start hurting his business, especially as the KPA evolves and gets even better! So in an effort to stop people from jumping ship so to speak he has started a stealth campaign of slammin the KPA.

    As a new KPA user I dont know what this aliasing issue is. (is it bad?) All I know is I really love what I hear from the KPA. To my ears it feels like a real live amp compared to my AxeII and the tone is what I am after. I've only had my KPA for a week and so far its really impressed me! I dowloaded a ton of profiles, updated the new firmware and trying to learn all I can about it.

  • Listen, you bunch of indignant whiners!™
    Many full grown individuals™ with an exceptional talent are known to suffer of social incompetence.
    There is no reason to start a shit storm now. Just ignore this BS and enjoy yer Profiler.

  • I was once a fractal owner, before it was cool, and have seen cliff go in tangents and be ultra competative, and borderline nutty. He is ultra competative, and you wonder why some of the fractal cult exists, it trickles down. like I said, I have seen cliff be very very defensive, and its obvious he is on a kemper bashing rant as of late, visit TGP, and FAS and for some reason he is zeroing in to spread fear and cast doubt about Kemper. A really really low and crappy move if you ask me, and what little respect I had for him as a business owner has gone away completely. He is a genious, but I don't think he has good ethics sometimes. really kinda sad, and yet at the same time, you can probably surmise that Kemper is taking a hit out of FAS sales, in order for cliff to be a bully in this regards..

    I think the test would have to be done by someone unbiased, and cliff has said his unit is faulty and only boots up 10 percent of the time. ha.

    Not saying kemper can't improve on things, but even as it stands, I still have preffered most of the kemper clips to Axe FX clips, aliasing an all :)

  • Of course I would appreciate CK weighing in on this question but here is what I posted on TGP:

    "Well, the KPA still sounds great to me even with the aliasing. I can't imagine how good it sounds once this "issue" is completely taken care of. I was a Standard and II user and would be happy to go back to them if I was not getting good results from the KPA. However, I do not believe that Cliff has acquitted himself well in various posts here and on the FAS Forum. And while that should not matter as tone is most important to me, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth and would make me think twice about going back."

    Perhaps I do not hear this aliasing as I usual roll off a lot of the 8k and above area in most profiles, especially high gain.

  • In conclusion, when i read the last comments, this is the best aliasing phenomenon ever made with a modeler. :D

    What I am saying is that I have a tool that works and sounds great in 99% of situations for me. Should I scrap it because of one graph of one situation that may not even relate to me most of the time? I trust my ears and my ears tell me that the sound is better for me than other tools I have used. I have no vested interest in any of these tools so I will keep trusting my ears and keeping things simple.