• Hi everyone!

    I have been using the Kemper for almost a decade live and in the studio, and I have made hundreds of profiles for my own use. But after restoring my collection of legendary Rockman modules, I decided to meticulously profile them, with an obsessive attention to detail, so as to preserve their sounds for posterity. I am no stranger to the Kemper's magic, but these profiles do sound EXACTLY like their analog sources.

    It was my intention to bottle these pieces of music history for myself, but when I was done I thought anyone who is inspired by the unique sounds they produce will enjoy the opportunity to play them.

    The Rockman Kemper Profile Pack includes 32 Studio Profiles of the following modules:

    1987 Sustainor

    1988 Sustainor

    1991 Distortion Generator

    1988 Instrument Equalizer

    I made a little video demonstrating some sounds, straight from the Kemper:

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    You can purchase the Rockman Kemper Profile Pack here: https://www.andretonelli.com/store

    Or go directly to PayPal (please allow a few hours for delivery): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr…d=HUZNCABNHKUM4