[Soundside] Christmas Sale - Ended - Thank You!

  • From today (Dec 17, 2022 - Dec 25, 2022) - we offer a special 50% off 'Christmas Sale'.

    How it works:

    1) Simply order via our homepage any number of profiles.


    2) After your purchase send us an eMail with the profile packs you like to get for free!

    (The eMail must be send before Dec 26)

    For each ordered profile pack you can claim on free pack - enjoy!
    The ordered profiles are an instand download - the free profiles may take up to 48hour until we send them to you.

    More than 10 years ago (January 20, 2012) we sold the first Soundside Profile Pack.

    We say a big THANK YOU to all our customers!

    We "invented" the idea of commercial profiles - and there was a lot of discussion about this topic.

    (As you can see in the first posts here).

    During the years we created more than 80 profile packs.

    Profiles from all kinds of great amps - and even more are is to come in 2023.

    Get ALL Soundside profile packs as a complete bundle for a very special price.

    This offer can only ordered directly from us (not via the homepage).

    If you like to get ALL Soundside profile packs send us an email for instructions.

    In case you are new to Soundside profile packs:

    Create your own custom shop bundle and save 50% on the second and additional packs.

    Check out our homepage for:
    Soundsamples and more information


    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

    Edited 113 times, last by Armin (December 17, 2022 at 9:26 PM).

  • This section as i understand it is for profile/rig exchanges between members its highly doubtful it was intended as a 'profiles for sale platform' I personally wish people would stop posting for sale profiles here . Maybe Christoph could add a For sale section to the forum for this kind of stuff.

    good one Chris :thumbup: ..totally agree

  • This section as i understand it is for profile/rig exchanges between members its highly doubtful it was intended as a 'profiles for sale platform' I personally wish people would stop posting for sale profiles here . Maybe Christoph could add a For sale section to the forum for this kind of stuff.

    you´re speaking out what I was thinking all the time.....vote for a "commercial profiles" section!

  • This section as i understand it is for profile/rig exchanges between members its highly doubtful it was intended as a 'profiles for sale platform' I personally wish people would stop posting for sale profiles here . Maybe Christoph could add a For sale section to the forum for this kind of stuff.

    I agree. I understand you want to be compensated for your work, but this section is called "Rig and Profile Exchange". I wholeheartedly agree with giving donations for someones time and contributions, but commercial advertising should be done elsewhere.

  • Why should they offer a marketing platform for free? There are a lot of other possibilities for commercial advertising like Google Adwords and others.

    I don't have a problem with a separate forum section. Many amp and guitar forums have a "commercial" section to keep the spam to a minimum.

    But, yeah, the Rig and Profile Exchange should be for the free stuff.....MAAAAANNNNNN!

  • I agree. I understand you want to be compensated for your work, but this section is called "Rig and Profile Exchange". I wholeheartedly agree with giving donations for someones time and contributions, but commercial advertising should be done elsewhere.

    I talked to the Kemper guys at Music Messe this year - and they said they have no problems with both free and commercial profiles.

    It's a lot of work the way I do it and I spend the money to buy some additional microphones, preamp ... they where used in the other profile sets and so on ....

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • I agree. I understand you want to be compensated for your work, but this section is called "Rig and Profile Exchange". I wholeheartedly agree with giving donations for someones time and contributions, but commercial advertising should be done elsewhere.

    Yes. Rig and Profile Exchange. You exchange money for his Rigs and Profiles.

    I see no problem with commercial posts in this section as long as they're relevant. If he was selling custom made fuzzboxes, or VST effects, or V!@6R@, yeah, kick'm to the curb. But as far as I can tell he's an honest dude just trying to make a few dollars for his efforts. Do I wish they were free? Sure. I also want a poney, and a girl dressed up like slave-princess Leia feeding me pealed shrimp, but it's unlikely I'll get my wishes. ^^

  • It's funny, I just bought the Amp Factory bundle and I learned of it here in a thread where no one seemed to mind the author's post. Why the hostel posts to Armin?

    I'd like to actually hear of users who've purchased them. Are they great? Well worth it? Easy to order?

    I also want to suggest to Armin that he extend the offer a bit. I budget my spending by the month, so when I find out about an offer like this and my month's allotment is gone, I have to wait to the first of next month. Yeah, I know it's the matter of a day, but that's the way a lot of people get paid and the way a lot of people budget their money.

  • So, can anyone speak about rigs purchased from Armin? I'm especially curious about the non-traditional guitar amp stuff.

    Hi 'Zerocrossing',
    you find some comments about my profiles in case you use the forum search feature - I may add a 'user comments' page to my homepage in the next time.

    Here some examples:


    Hi Armin, great job ! I love your last profiles! Bought the whole bunch and they are the best profiles I have on my KPA so far! However, the profiles give me the same love/hate relation I had with my real JVM. It sounds like a modern Marshall, but I would prefer the old ones, like JTM45, JCM800, also a nice Fender Twin Reverb and a Tonemaster profile would be great. I'm hoping you can add some of these classic amps. However, I'm looking forward to the Mark V profile.



    Hi my friend ! How are things? I write to you because i want to tell you " thank you so much ! ", the jvm profile is BY FAR the best profile i have found in the net ! ( even better than xxxxx profiles ) I must recognize that, at the beginning , i was afraid of waste my money ( 20,60 euros is a little " important" amount ) but when i tested the profiles...incredible ! I had a marshall jvm 215 combo and sometimes i have missed it but, since i have your profiles, i don't remember anything about it hahahaha…. Inmediately, i'm going to buy the modena profile

    Cheers !



    Really nice profiles armin, thanks.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • +1 on making a Commercial area. IMHO, selling rigs defeats the Spirit of the "Rig Exchange" and this area of the forum which was intended to support it. When you look at the KPA on screen display on the Import/Export page, it states "Share your Rigs"....right there in the firmware!

    Now, I am not opposed to a guy making a buck. Selling rigs is a separate and unrelated idea. I would prefer the forum remain unadulterated and more about the EXCHANGE of rigs through the RIG EXCHANGE. If a purchaser of rigs would like to share their opinion, great! The super mega coupon special stuff is annoying though.

    No offense intended Armin. I am sure your profiles are top notch, no doubt. If I read from a respected forum members that your profiles are worth buying. That's all I would need to drive me to your website to check it out if I was inclined to pay for rigs.


  • +1 on making a Commercial area. IMHO, selling rigs defeats the Spirit of the "Rig Exchange" and this area of the forum which was intended to support it. When you look at the KPA on screen display on the Import/Export page, it states "Share your Rigs"....right there in the firmware!

    Now, I am not opposed to a guy making a buck. Selling rigs is a separate and unrelated idea. I would prefer the forum remain unadulterated and more about the EXCHANGE of rigs through the RIG EXCHANGE. If a purchaser of rigs would like to share their opinion, great! The super mega coupon special stuff is annoying though.

    No offense intended Armin. I am sure your profiles are top notch, no doubt. If I read from a respected forum members that your profiles are worth buying. That's all I would need to drive me to your website to check it out if I was inclined to pay for rigs.



  • Honestly, I don't get it. I see this a lot in the world these days. No one wants to pay a fair price for someone else's work. Ask yourself about this attitude when your employer outsources your job to a third world country. For some reason if it's on "the internet" it should be free. I'm no Republican, but I do believe that if you give people incentive they'll work for it. I don't understand the concept of ghettoizing people to a separate area just because they feel they're due some compensation for their time and effort. For a guy like me who doesn't have access to great amps and great mics I realize that I'll get a better rig from someone who's got some incentive to make it. I said it before and I'll say it again:

    Exchange: ex·change/iksˈCHānj/
    Noun: An act of giving one thing and receiving another (esp. of the same type or value) in return.

    So, actually Armin's behaving closer to the definition of the word than people who are posting for free. I think what you're thinking the Rig Exchange is is more of a Rig library like Native Instrument's Reaktor library. But that's not what it's called.

    Also, can someone answer me a question. Why Armin? I see The Amp Factory thread is left unmolested by "this should be in a separate area" posts. Did Armin insult your mom? Did he run over your cat?

    Anyway, I propose a simple preface for posts.

    If you're posting just to post: FF (for free)
    If you're posting with the expectation for a rig in return: FT (for trade)
    and if you're selling: FS

    This way it'll be unambiguous and people who aren't interested in compensating someone for their work (and trust me, making a good rig is work) can just avoid posts with the FS or FT preface. :huh: