Turn a Mesa 2x12 FRFR? F12-x200 or Kone ?

  • Hi,

    i have the idea to swap the V30s in my Mesa2x12 Recto Cab to make it FRFR. Would make things a lot easier as most of the profiles sound bad with my cab, if its not a Mesa cab in the profile. And yes, of course Monitor Cab is off ;)

    I'm just not shure if it would work? Would it sound a lot different than a real FRFR? there might be a bit more resonance but i could dial that out with the monitor EQ i guess?

    So what are your thoughts on this?

    And would you go Kemper Kone or the Celestion F12-X200 ? Don't actually know if would use imprints at all, as i want nearly the same sound as the FOH from my cabinet.

  • Celestion has a new Modeling speaker out with a triple-cone design that's supposed to respond better than the X200. Still, I would use Kones. You may find another imprint that fits better and you can lock in your tone with that just as easily. You at least have the imprint option with Kones - and they are proven with the Kemper.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Celestion has a new Modeling speaker out with a triple-cone design that's supposed to respond better than the X200. Still, I would use Kones. You may find another imprint that fits better and you can lock in your tone with that just as easily. You at least have the imprint option with Kones - and they are proven with the Kemper.

    well, i supposed that the F12-X200 would be better than the triple cone as it costs about 30% more ?

    I'm also leaning towards the Kones- they are even a little cheaper than the X200 plus the posiibility to use imprints. but i think i would mostly use FRFR mode. I want to hear, what the audience hears.

    I listended to a comparision of the triple cone and the X200 and i think the X200 sounded better, more "guitar speaker-like".

    The Kemper Kone is just a modified X200, is that correct?

    I read quite a few times now, that the FRFR mode of the Kone is not that great. But that's what i would want mostly from it. so maybe the F12-X200 will be better for my needs?

    Edited once, last by alexburnsred (August 16, 2021 at 10:03 AM).