For the Love Of God Can We Please Get Some Kind of Rig Management Tool?!

  • Is there way for a bulk delete of rigs? I thought there was but when I searched all I could find was the browse/delete function. :huh:

    This is all we have so far.
    There is a PDF with a detailed description .
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • This is all we have so far.
    There is a PDF with a detailed description .

    Ah, this is what I was looking for! Thanks. 8o I'd read something like this before I got the KPA and I though all I had to do was take the rigs out of the "Shared" folder and then backup, which of course doesn't work. I'll try that later tonight. I think it'll be easier to mass delete and then slowly add back than the other way round... X( at least until they come out with a Mac/PC editor librarian.

  • Well, as big of an issue as this is, and trust me I'm currently pretty frustrated at how difficult it is to do basic rig deleting, you're shooting yourself in the foot by waiting. The way it currently is isn't unusable at all... unless you load up your machine with a ton of rigs. Then, it's pretty much your own fault. I have no one else but me for my cluttered mess. Wee! 8o

    Well for one thing it's not selling yet in the country where I live, so I'd have to buy direct and pay 200 euro for shipping. And if it goes tits up or needs any service (not a remote possibility judging from crash reports and from generally accepted "beta" status of the KPA) I'll have to send it back to Germany, potentially paying another 400 euro for just shipping there and back (not sure if Kemper GMBH covers the shipping in such cases, I'm sure it's never stated on the web-site).

    For the other thing, KPA costs a bundle of money and for this much it should be near perfect. It's OK to pay this much for a finished product of KPA caliber, but not for entering a beta-testing team. I dig the layout of KPA controls, and the demos, and sonically I believe it's perfect for my needs. I don't have the patience for maintaining a bunch of usb sticks with backup files, for debugging the crashes, doing manual resets, etc... So I'll let all you nice guys and girls test-drive the KPA and when it's more complete I'll join the party.

    What I hope to see in the rig-management department on the KPA is something like this.
    1. All tags editable with keyboard (attached to KPA directly or from a computer).
    2. KPA allows to browse rigs organized into a tree-structure, where each level corresponds to a given tag (any tag).
    3. Typing a word on a KPA-attached keyboard immediately recalls list of rigs containing this word (or phrase) in any tag.
    (Knowing close to nothing about the KPA I can't go into details, but the idea is to make rig sorting and managing as effortless as reading and posting on this forum).

    Rig exchange web-site can also do much better than dumping on you a huge flat list of 1700+ profiles.

    I don't think I'm the only potential customer watching the KPA development, I suspect most non-owners simply don't post here. I just wanted to impress that improving the KPA won't only make the current owners happier, but probably improve sales as well. Kudos to Kemper team for this amazing concept, but please don't slow down!

  • i started to develop a tag editor, it has few features but you should be able
    to extract, edit tags from rig files
    it is far from being perfect and still under test, but if you want to try it,
    it is available , see "introduce yourself" part of the forum



  • Laurent I for one appreciate the time and effort you put forth trying to develop a solution. However, for me its too complicated. Ill be the first to admit I am not computer savvy. I have no idea how to use a spread sheet. I love my Kemper but I just dont understand how rig management isnt one of the higher priorities for Kemper. Especially with so many users requesting this feature. Hopefully they will release something for this, or at the very least acknowledge they will or will not do it. To date I havent seen Mr. Kemper say a word about it or comment on any post about it. Thats where my frustration comes from.

  • Hi,

    Yes i know it is too complicated, but i am not a software guy, so i didn't find yet an easier solution (yet) .
    I just spent some free time on it, it doesn't intend to replace any official product, just a temporary solution
    If you can let me know what is your configuration (pc, mac, windows xp, windows7,...) i can try to find an
    easier solution (for you) when i'm back from vacation.

    Thank you,


  • Ill be the first to admit I am not computer savvy. I have no idea how to use a spread sheet. I love my Kemper but I just dont understand how rig management isnt one of the higher priorities for Kemper. Especially with so many users requesting this feature. Hopefully they will release something for this, or at the very least acknowledge they will or will not do it. To date I havent seen Mr. Kemper say a word about it or comment on any post about it. Thats where my frustration comes from.

    There's adequate rig management now, using your PC and USB, so I can't see how it's a bigger priority than a foot controller or the unfinished items already spec'd (undo, perform, etc.)

    IMHO CK shouldnt have to cater to technologically unsavvy users. Surely they were aware that some technical knowledge would be required before purchasing such a unit. Hopefully they will continue pursuing the important features rather than spending time spoon-feeding lazy people that need a drag and drop GUI.

  • There's adequate rig management now, using your PC and USB, so I can't see how it's a bigger priority than a foot controller or the unfinished items already spec'd (undo, perform, etc.)

    IMHO CK shouldnt have to cater to technologically unsavvy users. Surely they were aware that some technical knowledge would be required before purchasing such a unit. Hopefully they will continue pursuing the important features rather than spending time spoon-feeding lazy people that need a drag and drop GUI.

    + 1000

    I don't see a problem with rig management.
    What could be easier than copying some files onto a USB stick and putting the stick into the KPA.
    Press Import, audition the Profiles, save them in your Favourites or delete them.

    Yikes!, do we have to use our PC keyboard and Mouse, or Cellphone to do everything these days. :thumbdown:

  • + 1000

    I don't see a problem with rig management.
    What could be easier than copying some files onto a USB stick and putting the stick into the KPA.
    Press Import, audition the Profiles, save them in your Favourites or delete them.

    Yikes!, do we have to use our PC keyboard and Mouse, or Cellphone to do everything these days. :thumbdown:

    Good for you but what about all the time wasted on renaming profiles to ones own tastes....The rig software for mac and pc is a TOTAL necessity. And why why why is there still no basic fx like an octave???? please CK release a beta version of some useful new FX. The KPA im sure is far more powerful than say a boss or line 6 unit but they both have harmonizers, octave and whammy features. The KPA deserves to be at the top of every guitarists list but....with so many holes it will prove a GRAVE marketing flaw. phew :wacko: :wacko: thats my rant over with until next month when I make the same points again - come on KPA team make the Kemper EVERY guitarists dream unit, not just old tone posers but the new generation who require technology aswell as great! :thumbdown:

  • not just old tone posers

    Tone Posers? Give me a break. Do all the amplifiers that the KPA reproduces so beautifully have all these FX options you want? IMHO this is a superb value as it is. Most of the amps it is profiling cost more than a single KPA.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Sorry Dan but you are missing the point. The KPA is an EXCELLENT unit but the software library and the addition of a few FX is not a Major issue. The KPA should easily be able to contain them and it would make it a complete system and players, like myself, would not need to take anything else on the road. Im not going to brown nose and say the unit is perfect...I want this unit to be top of every guitarists wish list. My opinions are constructive criticisms. This is the ONLY way to improve the KPA.

  • Sorry Dan but you are missing the point.

    Perhaps you missed my point. I don't blame anyone for wanting as much as they can get out of a product, but as for there being a big marketing error, I don't believe that. Anyone who hears it will want it. The FX are secondary, and I don't believe it will stop someone from buy it. You're welcome to your opinion, but referring to the rest of us as "old tone posers" isn't really necessary.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Good for you but what about all the time wasted on renaming profiles to ones own tastes....The rig software for mac and pc is a TOTAL necessity. And why why why is there still no basic fx like an octave???? please CK release a beta version of some useful new FX. The KPA im sure is far more powerful than say a boss or line 6 unit but they both have harmonizers, octave and whammy features. The KPA deserves to be at the top of every guitarists list but....with so many holes it will prove a GRAVE marketing flaw. phew :wacko: :wacko: thats my rant over with until next month when I make the same points again - come on KPA team make the Kemper EVERY guitarists dream unit, not just old tone posers but the new generation who require technology aswell as great! :thumbdown:

    I would assume someone claiming to be the "new generation" would be capable of harnessing technology and logically renaming their profiles in your basic file management system. If that's too time consuming, make a spreadsheet and code a few macros in VBA. Or just write a C# .net program yourself and be done with it.

    Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but those Boss and Line6 effects you are touting aren't exactly professional quality effects. To expect them to be standard inclusions on a device that's in a class of it's own is unrealistic. It's primary function is profiling, not serving as a multi-effects unit. Have you ever purchased a unit that had everything you wanted? I didn't think so.

    Offering critiques in the Feature Request section is probably the more effective way to get your ideas heard. Bad-mouthing a company because they don't meet your hasty expectations for infantile features isn't necessary, but that's an attribute of the new generation (need-an-octaver-to-cover-up-my-horrible-playing-poser) :D

  • Incredible that people get so worked up and defensive...I said I LOVE THE KPA!! I just feel the inclusion of these basic fx are very important. You dont think so and thats fine. With regards to line 6 and boss...line 6s rack mount pod has been used on LOTS of recordings. And Boss???? are you serious...maybe youre right The Police were a very small band and they used them for recording..and also another small and unknown guitarist by the name of gilmour also uses them live and on record..also malmsteen has on many occasion used boss. As far as my own playing..well youve never heard me or know who I am - never assume.. Lets keep this civil My comment is valid. people go on searches for a life time for tone and rant over the subject -when in many cases they are ignorant. Just to make my point more clear...This was NOT projected at ANY member here in the forum. Its sad you cant make an opposing opinion on here. After all thats how healthy debates and discussions are created - with positives and negatives. very disappointing with the reactions made really..

  • This was NOT projected at ANY member here in the forum. Its sad you cant make an opposing opinion on here. After all thats how healthy debates and discussions are created - with positives and negatives. very disappointing with the reactions made really..

    My reply to you was quite civil. I did, however, object to being referred to as an old tone poser ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • There's adequate rig management now, using your PC and USB, so I can't see how it's a bigger priority than a foot controller or the unfinished items already spec'd (undo, perform, etc.)

    IMHO CK shouldnt have to cater to technologically unsavvy users. Surely they were aware that some technical knowledge would be required before purchasing such a unit. Hopefully they will continue pursuing the important features rather than spending time spoon-feeding lazy people that need a drag and drop GUI.

    Thats fine you can resort to calling me lazy because I dont know how to use a spreadsheet. I differ from your opinion of adequate though. And while " CK shouldnt have to cater to technologically unsavvy users" just about every other modeler out there now has a way to manage set lists, presets, etc easily through drag and drop and the ability to use a keyboard to name presets or whatever. Throw insults all you want. Modern technology is what it is. I for one would like some sort of librarian. Im not going to sell my Kemper if I dont get it. Im not worked up about the fact one isnt availbe yet, I just dont understand why.Why so defensive???? A foot controller is available right now in MANY forms. Ones that are "adequate". Why is that a top priority? Im in no huge hurry for a librarian. Ive had this unit since it came to the states and I LOVE it. But just as you have your right to post your opinion without getting bashed, I have that same right even if you disagree with my opinion. No need to call anyone names. Head over to TGP if you want to do that.

  • People have different definitions of subjective terms such as "adequate." However, I can see that the things people are wanting are typically those that are already included in other boxes. Fair or not, we go through this all the time. The bar is set by the competition.