Rocktron MIDI Raider/All Access pedal calibration problem - help needed!

  • Hi!

    I've been using the Rocktron MIDI Raider/All Access with my Kemper with great success.

    I have however used to connect my expression pedals directly to the pedal inputs on the KPA. Works fine!

    But now when I need to connect the expression pedals to my MIDI Raider, the pedals show a very strange range. Max is 127 (as it should) but minimum shows it wobbling around 40 - 50.

    On the KPA I can calibrate the pedals but only if they are connected directly to the KPA.

    I can't find a way to calibrate the pedals on the MIDI Raider.

    Anyone know if it's possible?


    Mats N

  • What kind of expression pedal? Strange that it doesn't go all the way down.

    Don't think you can calibrate pedals on the Rocktron...At least not on my All Access.

    I have a couple of FV-500's that works fine (as long as the dial on the side is at zero!).

  • What kind of expression pedal? Strange that it doesn't go all the way down.

    Don't think you can calibrate pedals on the Rocktron...At least not on my All Access.

    I have a couple of FV-500's that works fine (as long as the dial on the side is at zero!).

    I've got the two recommended by Kemper. The DUnlop for volume and the Mission Engineering for wah.

    Works great hooked up directly to the KPA. Not so with the Rocktron.


    Mats N

  • hey there,

    the MidiRaider's ExpPedal Inputs demand reversed polarity cables.

    1. Get yourself a y-cable (6,3mm stereo jack split up in two 6,3mm mono jacks, like this…=en_GB%3ADE.EUR ), connect the stereojack to the MidiRaiders expression IN and hook the two mono jacks up to the dunlop's IN and OUT. If you still get malfunction, swap the two mono jacks on the Dunlop's IN and OUT. This should work.

    2. Some MissionEngineering Pedals have two Stereo Outs with polarity switches (like this one…arch=1627678265). This one ye should consider for the MidiRaider.

    3. You could also make your own stereo cables with reversed polarity. If you can do basic soldering its not a big business (on one of the jacks, solder tip to ring, the other jack vice versa. ground goes as usual to sleeve on both jacks). Also by far cheaper than buying another ME-Pedal.

    Hope this helps,

    Greetz zegga

    Volle Kanne, Hoschy!!!

    Edited 5 times, last by zegga (July 31, 2021 at 9:56 AM).

  • Thanks, Zegga,! Will give this a try.


    Mats N