Delay Mix with Expression Pedal?

  • Hi,

    I've been looking for an answer to know if there's anyway to control the delay mix with expression pedals on the Kemper.

    Anyone could answer this, please ?

    If it's not possible, this is another basic option which misses to the Kemper...

    Thank you

  • "If it's not possible, this is another basic option which misses to the Kemper..."

    I'm elated they didn't miss on a well composed manual.

    Morphing is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to shift numerous parameters within a Rig simultaneously. This can be used for a continuous morphing of one sound into a very different sound, controlled via expression pedal or triggered via a button. You could, for example, morph a basic rhythm sound into a boosted solo sound. Morphing works in both Performance Mode and Browse Mode and can include all continuous parameters that are part of a Rig.
    Despite the power of this feature, setting up Morphing is rather simple. If you own a Profiler Remote, Morphing is just a few tweaks away. If you don't own a Profiler Remote, you can still trigger Morphing via connected momentary foot switch or expression pedal.Expression Pedals and Foot Switches 70
    First, let’s look at how to set up Morphing with Profiler Remote:
    If you load a Rig not yet prepared for Morphing – either in Browse Mode or Performance Mode - the lower LED of the Rig Button on Profiler Remote will light up as usual. This state represents the “Base Sound” of the Rig. If you press this Rig Button again, you will see that the upper LED of this knob lights up, while the lower LED becomes dimmer. Additionally, a tiny horizontal bar graph on the display will move from left to right. This state represents the “Morph Sound” of the Rig. Subsequent presses of the Rig Button will toggle the LED status and move the bar graph.
    Let’s try setting up a very basic Morphing: With the upper LED activated as described, turn the GAIN knob by a significant amount. Now, press the Rig Button again. You should find that Gain has automatically returned to its previous level. Further presses of the Rig Button will now alternate Gain between these two levels.
    So far, you are morphing just the one parameter. You can repeat the above process with as many parameters as you like, and then alternate their values, together with Gain, by pressing the Rig Button. While the Base Sound is active, any edits of continuous parameters are associated with the Base Sound. While Morph Sound is active, any edits of continuous parameters only affect the Morph Sound. When you store the Rig, both the base and morph scenarios are automatically stored with the Rig. That’s Morphing!
    You may have noticed that the change from Base Sound to Morph Sound (and vice versa) is not instantaneous by default, but performs a smooth transition. This transition time can be adjusted by two individual parameters for the Rise Time and Fall Time of Morphing in the Rig Settings. Both time values can be set from zero (for an instantaneous morph switching) to 64 seconds. When you enable the Tempo for this Rig by tapping the TAP button or choosing a specific tempo, the Morphing time will be displayed in specific note values and sync to the current tempo. A neat application of this might be to set the Rise Time to, say, four bars. Now, just hit the Rig Button four bars before your solo starts and enjoy a nice, leisurely stroll to the front of stage while the Profiler slowly morphs your rhythm sound into a boosted solo sound in the background. The two LEDs will continuously brighten and dim to reflect the rate of the change in sound.
    If no Profiler Remote is available, you could use an external momentary switch connected to one of the SWITCH/PEDAL sockets of the Profiler and set this up as morph button.