MIDI CC #27 and Ground Control Weirdness

  • Hey everyone.

    I'm working to setup my Ground Control Pro with my Kemper. I've used the GCP with my 11R, so I think I'm familiar enough with programming it to get by.

    I have the GCP setup as 8 IAs and 4 patches. I also have the IAs set up to XMIT W/ PRESET - or transmit the MIDI CCs for each IA anytime a PC (program/patch change) occurs. So on each PC change, the Kemper could be receiving 9 MIDI messages: 1 PC and 8 IAs.

    I have saved my GCP patches where the IA lights and status correspond to the Kemper's saved patches FX status.

    MIDI #27 is giving me some weirdness however. It seems to take a couple of IA button clicks to "arm" MIDI CC #27 before it starts tracking with me GCP.

    The only other MIDI CC I've set up is MIDI #18 (Stomp B). MIDI #18 tracks fine - i.e. switch a patch and if I enable/disable MIDI #18, Kemper responds as expected.

    More weirdness: If I FIRST toggle MIDI #18 after a program change, then MIDI #27 tracks as expected.

    Anyone else seen anything like this? I'm running 1.1.0.

    Got to get it working properly before my band's first gig in 10 days. :P

    Hmm... I suppose it's possible I have a residual MIDI CC programmed for my 11R that is getting transmitted and confusing things.... Just checked the 11R manual and MIDI #27 is the "Distortion or Drive" control for the overdrive pedals, so I don't think I have that programmed as an IA since it's a continuous parameter. I'll check my GCP to confirm, but I doubt that's the problem.

  • This is an issue which exists since a while. Was also discussed e.g. here: NEW Complete list of MIDI control change numbers (CC#s) incl. 1.0.3. public beta
    I have also reported it to support a while ago but it looks like it hasn't been addressed yet. I decided to be able to live without delay trails (and use CC #26) for now until it gets fixed.
    I think it wouldn't harm if you could also send a mail to support about this! ;)


  • OK, so this thread might be dead already...anyway: I got the exact same problem and was reporting it today. Is there a workaround or something...I guess that's what "public beta" means...much appreciated!