iOS rig manager - editing sequence and bpm of performances

  • I am a new user. Today I used my Kemper Profiler Stage in a live gig for the first time. I brought my iPad, expecting that I would be able to do any last minute editing using the new iOS rig manager app.

    As it happened, I needed to do two things:

    1. change the order (sequence) of the performances, because the set list order had changed

    2. check that the bpm (tempo) value on each performance (song) was correct.

    I discovered that I could do neither of these things!

    I would therefore like to request that the iOS rig manager app :

    1. should provide an easy way (preferably with dragging and dropping) to change the sequence of performances on the Profiler

    2. should allow the user to display and edit the tempo associated with each performance.

    Edited once, last by mcvittym (June 20, 2021 at 7:38 PM).

  • I just discovered the same thing. Those would be my two main feature requests as well. It would allow me to basically never use my Mac to edit again. The iPad is preferable to the Mac for editing.

    Thankyou Kemper for releasing this app! Would love to see the OP's above features added!