Classical flashback..

  • This is one of several personal projects I did during lockdown/post lockdown.

    The guitars are my Taylor 414CE and '78 Les Paul.

    The solo is played through the clean channel of my Mark IIC, with a Boss OD-1X pedal in front of it

    All guitars sounds were recorded with the built-in microphone of my Macbook Pro into GarageBand software. I then used GarageBand for all audio effects and processing.

    I modeled the entire scene in Autodesk Max3DS software, including all objects, animation and lighting. It took my computer 14 hours to render five seconds of the animation (one rotation of the figurine) which I just looped throughout the video.

    I shot the performances in front of a homemade green screen with my iPhone. I then used Adobe Final Cut Pro for the final video production.

    I had a little trouble with syncing all the audio/video but got it pretty close.

    The theme is based from watching to many Nexflix documentaries..but overall is was a fun project!

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  • Brave effort, man. That rendering time! =O

    Tiny issues with guitar tuning, but we'll ignore that. ;)

    Thanks. Yeah I played around with the pitch and tuning in Garage Band a bit. The effect was to have 75 years in-between the guitar parts, but my 30 day free trial period was expiring on Max3DS so I was in scramble mode.