Looking to Buy a New Small DAW for Home

  • I currently have a Line 6 UX2 but it doesn't have a SPDIF input. It only has a SPDIF output. I was trying to work the following workflow but it fails to receive the sound via the SPDIF In on the Kemper.

    Guitar --> KPA front in --> KPA monitor Out --> UX2 Instrument In --> Cubase 6.5 --> UX2 SPDIF Out --> KPA SPDIF In

    INPUT.SPDIF In = Enabled
    Clock UX2 is Master b/c that all it supports.

    I have been unsuccessful in getting this to work. So unless someone can tell me a fix I am looking to purchase a new device.

    I want to spend <$500 and want to use SPDIF. What is the best device I can purchase. I was looking at the following.

    MOTU Audio Express



    MY GEAR:
    Taylor T5 Koa, Taylor SBS1, Fender Select Koa Telecaster | PRS SE 50 w/ 2x12 Cab | Kemper Profiling Amp | 2x Tannoy 601a Monitors

  • As far as I can tell, when using S/PIDF the Kemper has to be the master and your interface must be set as a slave (or else you will get pops in the audio as the clocks drift).

    Currently I am using a Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 and it works great as an interface however, unlike the MOTU, the Focusrite doesn't work as a standalone mixer. The Scarlett is working for me but, if I had to do it over again, I'd kick in the extra $100 and get the MOTU instead.

  • Certainly Motu has a good reputation and quality, but I' d suggest you try it first before you buy, especially the spdif.

    I had 2 Motu Ultralite Hybrids and both has serious issues with the spdif (before I purchased and KPA and after), I had to return them both and get another from another brand, which works flawlessly.

  • You might also look out for a used RME interface. They have a variety of discontinued products, the HDSP plus a Multiface could be in your pricerange when buying used. Those have rock-solid drivers and great converters, kind of a studio standard nowadays.

  • Hi,

    at the moment I use a Tascam FW 1082 which is quite good and offers nice motorfaders - works very well with Cubase. Unfortunately it is discontinued so you will only get it used on ebay. But watch out drivers only support Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6.

    An other very good alternative is the M-Audio Project Mix.

  • I have a Presonus Firebox that seems to work pretty well. I can't claim any great experience, but I haven't had any issues with it. It's a firewire interface to the computer, so you might need a cheap firewire card to handle it. Also, it requires a special multi-purpose cable to use the S/PIDF.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer