Status report for requests?

  • There are lots of requests in this forum and I understand the Kemper team (if you read these pages) can’t fulfill every request.

    What would be good is to at least report on which ideas you are working on and which ones you decide to not look further into.

    This would be like the Line6 ”idea scale” where you can see if something is in progress.

    I follow my own requests, the same which has been made by a number of users and seems like a small update but I feel stuck in limbo and don’t know if I’m supposed to be patient or jump to another product. It would be much better if someone said: ”We don’t want to implement this because...” or ”Good idea but we can’t do this in our unit”.

    Then at least I’d know what’s happening and I could act accordingly to that.

    Edited 2 times, last by JSJSJS (April 7, 2021 at 8:27 AM).

  • ...

    What would be good is to at least report on which ideas you are working on and which ones you decide to not look further into.

    This would be like the Line6 ”idea scale” where you can see if something is in progress.


    It would spoil the surprise. ;)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.