Weird EMG issue (low output)

  • So with the guitar I built/posted the thread about, from the start the EMG's somehow have much less output than my other guitars.

    It has all solderless connections and a new battery, the pickups are close to the strings etc. usual suspects. I even tried going straight from pickups to the output but no difference.

    The sound is completely normal after raising the gain, it's just low output. Compare here to my ESP:

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    Any wiring wizards here have any idea what's causing this? I've never ran across this issue before.

  • One basic test I regularly do when I have problems with my guitar electronics, I check resistance or continuity between positive and ground (usually the bridge if it is grounded properly). I check all pickup positions, with all knobs range, and it usually helps me to find bad pots pretty easily, as whenever they fail, normally you get any line to ground when turning the knobs.

    The answer is 42