Any thoughts on changing the user tags to something more relevant? Like "New Profiler" Seasoned Profiler" etc.?

  • I keep having to remind myself when I reply to a post from someone new on the forums, that because their name tag says "Beginner" or "Rookie" they may actually have been playing guitar for 40 years!

    I see a post from a "Beginner" with only 3 previous post and I have a tendency to think they just started playing guitar last week and bought a Kemper because it's cool. LOL

    Anyone else do that?

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Hi, Bayou Texan,

    The only relevant context for the user tags is "experience as a participant in this community". That's the way user rankings or titles are assigned in all the communities I've known. Some use a complex algorithm based on various activities (sign-ins, likes, topics started, replies posted, number of times their posts are read or quoted, and more) and others do it based solely on posts. The tags and titles rarely indicate some level of life experience.

    Also - it's quite possible for someone to rack up hundreds or thousands of posts. That doesn't tell us anything about their experience or knowledge as a "Profiler".